I once saw an old W-2 from when my dad worked for P&G back in the early 50’s. What did he do? He worked in the payroll department of PANTEX in Amarillo, TX building ATOMIC BOMBS!
Satan drools, Atomic Satan Rules!
We’ll fuckin’ scrub that nasty stain right out, Jack!
Helpful tip: when linking to trademark registrations at the USPTO, you have to push on a bit beyond TESS (their search engine) into their document repository, which is called TSDR (there’s a big “TSDR” button at the top of all search results, but no reason any normal person would know this). Here is a link to the full WTF trademark application: http://tsdr.uspto.gov/documentviewer?caseId=sn87877778&docId=RFA20180419074924#docIndex=2
A quick search shows 64 live applications or registrations incorporating WTF, 18 of which are just “WTF”, eight of which have been granted in a variety of classes.
Good point. My story came from the brand executive who brought it to the US and claimed that he discovered it in a Japanese shipping facility being used by the workers to clean things, and he said it was “Japanese made foam”, but that was just his story.