Xenophobic UK politician ranting about "political correctness" gets a public spanking from an historian



Really, it’s just the lowest hanging fruit.

In your favor, your dissonant statements are in adjacent sentences… not the same one. So you have that going for you, you might yet be saved from yourself.


Are you now, or have you ever been, a Squad Leader?

Inquiring minds…


Irony is someone from a constitutional monarchy whose upper house of legislature is populated with hereditary peers and those who bought their way in, lecturing you about democracy.



This word has always reminded me of ‘drawn and quartered’.

From my experience, the woman in question would have happily done that too.


come now, perhaps they are deeply complicated idiots. Let us respect their complexity. Pffffft.


Life is a glorious cycle of song, indeed.

But you’re now a member of a party significantly to the right of the Tories? Pray tell, why? If you feel that strongly about the EU, why have you not poured that passion into the NO2EU party of the left? Why ally yourself with dubious charlatans like Hamilton and Farage? What, exactly, is it that upsets you so much about EU membership? As for the ‘unelected EU’ (one assumes you mean the EU parliament, something I definitely remember voting upon. Indeed there are UKIP MEPs. Who people voted for), I’m far more mistrustful of the Tory party and its constant attacks on, well, everyone, pretty much. Farage has even posited a Tory/UKIP coalition (because of course he has). How, as a self-described non-right wing thinker politically, do you feel about that? How do you feel about the many, many stupid, downright racist things that have been uttered by UKIP candidates and elected officials? What is your opinion of the anti-EU tories like Johnson, Gove and Duncan-Smith? Does there desire to leave the EU outweigh their other political leanings for you? If so, why?


I know this is a minor point, but that made me laugh. I do genetic genealogy as a serious hobby, and there’s a whole list of things people say on the subject that are funny for those of us in the know. So, you’re British and you have a – gasp! – Dutch goddaughter (not even biologically related, mind). The fact that you made this a distinction actually proves the opposite of what you think it does. Hint: English, French, German and Dutch are pretty much indistinguishable from a genetic point of view. They’re merely different ethnicities (cultures), not different populations. You’re not very open-minded if being willing to associate with a Dutch child is the proof you offer.


It sure did.

Sometimes people change the subject. Think on this. Think hard.

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Your assumptions are based on ignorance, either wilful or ignorant. Last year 3.9m people voted for UKIP. Are you seriously suggesting they’re all racists?

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There’s no need for anyone to assume anything. Your account says you are Stuart Parr, and you say you are from UKIP, so your stance on immigration is a matter of public record. It’s very clear that you are deeply concerned the UK is getting overrun by too many immigrants, they are taking over schools, that only by leaving the EU will allow the country to control the “quantity and quality” of them, etc. So crying that everyone is being “bigoted” for supposing you are anti-immigrant only makes you look infantile; it’s plainly at least a close approximation of your real position.


If we want to be historical, shouldn’t the part be played by a man in drag, as there were no women on stage in Shakespeare’s day?

And that man should not be immunized or have dental fillings.


Remember the thing I’d said about clear thinking? We can’t have a discussion. You say I’m a bigot for something that’s not bigotry, say my ignorance is ignorant, and are suggesting the way to determine if something’s bigoted is based on how many people vote for it. This can go nowhere.


Sheesh, you sound cranky.

Is this because you finally learned that Margaret of Anjou was descended from a swan, and not a hedgehog?


Most of them seem to be, yes.


It was a hedgehog and I’ve got the painting to prove it, or at least I will this evening…