Xitter tries so hard to find offense in Tim Walz's tacos

A long standing tradition here at World HQ is an Orphans Thanskiving, for anyone with nowhere else to be. Because the first year, it was a spur of the moment thing, the only store open in my neighborhood was the local tienda/bodega. That year, and most years since, I now make Thanksgiving tacos. The first year, they were fairly “traditional”. As the years go by, I’ve found a lot of ways to incorporate a Thanskgiving twist. Brace yourself for the whitest white person taco you’ve ever had:

The Green Bean Casserole Taco.

Take fresh green beans, shiitake mushrooms, onions and garlic. Run them through the mandolin to slice them very thin. Toss with salt and pepper and sautee with a splash of oil.
Serve on a white flour tortilla, top with a cheesy bechamel.
Garnish with shredded cabbage and french-fried onions.
It’s an absolute travesty of a taco, and a bite of Midwestern comfort food that people come back for every damn year :rofl: