Yes!! Kamala Harris brings down the house with supercharged speech in North Carolina (video)

Not sure how helpful that is if the media refuses to pick up the story anyway.


Well, every little bit I feel sometimes. Telling friends and co-workers, grousing about it to family, simply pushing back. And getting others to join in on the grousing might help. We need to work the refs ourselves, and not just roll our eyes when the authoritarians do it!

Sure, some media outlets like the NewsCorp lackeys won’t be moved, but the click chasers and ratings junkies might get nervous. We need to do the grind and not hope for quick fixes.

And when they’ve given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it’s not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger’s wall
Roger Waters, “Outside The Wall”


Welp, the media will be paying more attention to Harris now.


And so will Republicans. And come to think of it, that will mostly be ugly attacks, mostly because they’ll be racist and sexist. So I would think that an upside of Harris being the nominee could be that the attacks of Tromp and Co. on her would make them seem all that much more disgusting to swing voters. :thinking:


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