Originally published at: Yet another man who lives with his mother arrested for threatening Florida sheriff | Boing Boing
I am concerned that an interest in Hitler and/or collecting of Nazi memorabilia is always taken as support for the ideologies espoused by Hitlerism. Some of us are strictly interested from the opposite side. I’m an enthusiast for Ian Kershaw’s work, and one of my besties has an enviable collection of literature and memorabilia. And is more antifa than most!! Edited for a typo.
And I’m concerned that actual, literal fascism is on the rise.
But I guess we all have our worries, right?
Also, this is the only acceptable way an interest in “Hitlerism” and the 3rd Reich should be expressed:
“They murdered millions of people and people live in fear of their advocates today but this flag is dope, man.”
Unless you are a historian for a military unit which served in the ETO during World War2, a collector of nazi themed paraphernalia is more likely a Hitler fan than not.
And at any rate it’s not even clear the Nazi fuck in this article even had any Nazi memorabilia so “please don’t generalize everyone who collects Nazi tchotchkes as fascists!” is a fucking weird thing to express concern about in this context.
Hit dogs holler, as they say.
In this case it is a perfectly reasonable assumption.
Yet another man who lives with his mother arrested for threatening Florida sheriff
I do that, but I don’t think I’ve threatened a Florida sheriff yet.
My favourite bit of Hitler trivia, that I just never tire of sharing, is that he’s dead.
Best thing he ever did.
First comment no less! “I’m worried that all these murderous Nazi jackasses getting arrested will make the rest of us look bad for collecting Nazi shit!”
If you collect Nazi shit you look bad. Whether you can buy a supreme court justice to overthrow an election and actually implement fascism or you’re just the sort that keeps some questionable knives and lighters in your bedroom… it’s a bad look.
It’s not impossible that a lay person would like to collect samples of the most dangerous nerve gases.
Regardless- I wouldn’t want to be closely associated with them. Either by interests or geography.
Say what you will about him, at least he killed Hitler.
Took his fucking time over it, though, eh?
He was a bit of a coward, it must be admitted.
Yeah, but he also killed the person that killed Hitler.
Are you suggesting that the racist momma’s boy in the FPP is unfairly assumed to be a supporter of Nazism because he’s an amateur collector of Nazi memorabilia? If not, why bring up your concern in this topic? If you are, I’m sure we’d all be fascinated to hear your reasoning.
Yeah, but that guy was a Nazi so no loss.