Depending on options, they can do anywhere between 100 bytes to 8kB and act as a smart card.
My mind is blown every time my friend pays for something with her phone.
Having said that, I like the idea of having a cash-card built in where it can’t get broken, lost or stolen. I don’t generally lose my ATM card or have it stolen, but the ‘wave your card to pay’ thing usually only lasts for about a month or so.
I’d definitely sign up for one of these if it were available as a bank card,
And if the New World Order conspiracy people turn out to be right, I reckon I could prise the thing out with my Swiss Army Knife - No biggie.
A lot hotels use rfid creds these days, as well as workplaces. Cloning those creds to an embedded rfid chip means never getting locked out of your office or hotel room. (Deviant Ollam uses his chip this way)
My evangelical mother loved handing out Chick Tracts when I was a kid, so it won’t surprise you to find out that she thinks the German-made Covid vaccine is a communist Chinese plot to inject people with microchips that are the sign of the beast.
She was quiet when I told her that they’re approving implantable microchips for medical records so that hospitals can more easily save lives by knowing what you’re allergic to or have a condition that requires special care.
This sounds like a way stop on the way to Cyberpunk ripperdocs.
It’s probably safe to assume that since virtually every new tech item these days is used for corporate and/or government surveillance in some way or another, this will be too. And also that it is not secure.
For the “is this secure” aspect, I would point out that my source is Deviant Ollam. He doesn’t have it because it’s secure, but because it isn’t.
These aren’t readable from more than a meter away, so they aren’t nearly as useful for population surveillance as the tracking devices we all carry willingly. By which I mean, our phones.
Finally, if you implant your own, you control it. Seriously. Go look up Deviant Ollam and check his take on it and how he uses it and reprograms it. His isn’t going to be used by a three letter agency against him.
Y’all can fear the size of the needle. I’ll fear the word Glass.
It’d be cooler if they had microprinted Bill Gates portraits on them.
Those tags are identical to ones we used in vet clinics back in 2006 or so. So congrats. You can now microchip yourself like you’re someone’s pet. Not sure why you would want to but to each their own.
668 the neighbor of the beast
Ba dum tish??
I think the BioHacking village at Defcon has had an implant station for a few years now?
It might not get lost or stolen as long as your hand remains attached to the rest of your body, but if a hammer blow can make a mess of a thumb the diagrammed location of the chip is not so far away from there. Though that would be if you put it into your non-dominant hand.
I guess the cross over in use-case is that you can buy cat-flaps with built in RFID readers, which will only open for your cat. So you won’t come home to find all the local moggies hanging out in your house. *
So, if you were the sort of person who was always losing their keys etc. you might want a ‘key’ that you couldn’t lose.
*(Just had a thought - with a bit of hacking you could join the guts of a cat flap to one of those automated food dispensers, so that it would provide different portions for different animals)
There are commercial versions of this. They’re expensive, but if you have cats with different dietary needs or appetites they’re really nice.
Yeah, it’s definitely going in my left hand so I can prise it out with my right if it goes all Pol Pot.
You have this backwards. The physical thing is not where the security comes from. The number will be stolen regardless and now you can’t get a new card.
This is why biometrics is a terrible idea for security. All codes will be stolen, so they should be derived from something fungible. Security comes from staying ahead of theft, not preventing it, because the latter is impossible. Rolling codes, authentication apps, etc, are great for this reason.
So someone standing on a sidewalk could swipe people as they walk by, and you’d never know.
Okay, you got me. Spent a good five minutes trying to get a translation for that, when it should have been obvious. I mean, I was raised Baptist for Pete’s sake! Sigh. Point for Frauenfelder.