Young people retaliate with shocking finality to unchecked abuse

It’s almost as if every negative thing older generations blame younger generations for is merely projection. As a somewhat older generation, I love you kids! The people I know under 35-ish are my only hope for the future.


I think that if I were in that situation I’d expect myself to know better and society should expect me to know better. I also think that if people are going to assault victims who are carrying weapons, they should kind of expect to be struck with those weapons…

I’m not good at judging age - I tend to think people who are 20 look like small children - but I really don’t think the one who hit that man with a skateboard was an adult. i don’t expect them to be thinking rationally when someone is punching them (you can hardly expect that of adults anyway). There’s a part of me that wonders if it was even the right thing to do. Would that man have gotten up, enraged from being pushed back, and seriously hurt one of those kids otherwise?


It wasn’t. They could have left, walked away while he was down, skated off, whatever. The fellow could have been killed by that blow. I don’t see any defensible behavior in that video, by anyone. It’s just sad. The kids involved are more forgivable, but hardly innocent. So sad.

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1: Linking to the Daily Mail increases their rankings in search results
2: If someone goes there without an ad blocker, they get money.

There’s real, demonstrable harm in liking to trash.


Let me play the smallest fiddle in the world for the man who [checks notes] punched three teens.

Any of those punches could have been fatal. Dude kept escalating. Dude could have and should have walked away at any time. But he chose to engage in a form of entirely one sided and potentially mortal combat, without provocation.

Would it be sad if he died? Mayhaps. But I shan’t be sad for the pugilistic Punisher, and neither should you.


You know, that‘s what I thought at first, too. However, after pondering this for a a couple of hours, I‘ve come to the conclusion that what they did was absolutely understandable and even justified.

That is not a good argument. One of the kids could have been killed by his blows, too. They had to be afraid that the guy would be after them as soon as he got up again, they didn’t know if he as a weapon (or would grab something), all they knew was he was a raging asshat, and nobody around could be arsed to step in. I would have feared for my life in that situation.

Personally, I would just have kicked his balls in real hard before running away, maybe 2-3 times for good measure, but you really can’t blame them for not thinking this through too much, can you?

And it doesn’t matter what the kids did to „provoke“ this, too. I wouldn’t even blame a bystander for hitting that guy over the head to prevent him from inflicting more violence. I sure hope I would do that in a similar situation.


I was a boarder back when a ‘skateboard’ was a DIY disassembled steel roller skate nailed to a 2x4 board. No fibreglas or plastic then. No boarder gangs, either. I wiped out on many curbs and took gas in many bushes. Busted my buns, for sure. Never had to hit anyone with my deadly weapon. Whew.

You believe the Daily Heil?


Because trespassing needs to be punished by vigilante assault.
Lemme guess. You would have exercised your Second Amendment Rights and Stood Your Ground.


The guy with the bag of free punches doesn’t look much older than the skaters. Still looks like he received an optimal outcome but I could be wrong.

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“But he chose to engage in a form of entirely one sided and potentially mortal combat, without provocation.”

That’s so absurd I shouldn’t even quote it. Also, “Mayahps?” Okay, whatever. Don’t bother trying to tell me who to have a little empathy for.

You have a valid point about the self-defense factor. Sometimes the only solution is to disable the attacker. I’m not convinced this was that, but respect the argument.

No one in that video made a good decision the entire time. The phrase, “two assholes meet in the road” comes to mind. Just sad.

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Here’s yer unicorn.


I know two people who have died from being punched in the head. I don’t know what your point is.


I don’t blindly believe any news source with an identifiable editorial bias. (Sadly, that includes BoingBoing).

Nope, I don’t have any Second Amendment Rights. Also, only the skater was armed here, so I’m not sure where you’re going with that.

I can be a bit of a dick, so I probably would have given the kids some lip for damaging public property (which I, as a taxpayer, would have to pay for). Then when the first kid came over to scream abuse in my face, I’d have stood my ground. Stood there and told him where to stick it. What happens after that depends on him.

None of this violence was justified.

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Your point?

There is a HUGE difference between having a bias (which, of course, since BB isn’t a NEWS source, but is instead of blog that sometimes comments on news stories, hardly matters) and fucking LYING, which the Daily Fail does on a regular basis (and they purport to be an actual NEWSpaper, not a blog). HUGE difference. :woman_shrugging:


Learned helplessness is very real, and schools and society did a lot of work making sure most kids lost all sense of agency, and especially any sense of ability to create collective actions. I think it’s really only in the last handful of years that teens and young adults 1) figured out how to effectively use modern communications tools to actually accomplish things and 2) finally got pushed so hard it overcame that conditioning for a significant fraction of them


My point is that the Daily Heil has a 100 year+ history of lying.

I may also be a bit biased against them as they want people like me forced into conversion therapy. I’m sure that you can have an unbiased opinion of their history of far right propaganda though.