Originally published at: You're looking at Mr. Toad in his underwear | Boing Boing
Makes me love him even more.
Including the little demons at the finale of that ride.
I’m not sure how riding the Alice in Wonderland ride helped answer the Toad pants question, but it’s a fun ride too!
Really. As if he hasn’t earned enough goodwill from everything else, including one of the best rides at Disneyland.
I mean, isn’t Mr. Toad in the original Wind in the Willows supposed to represent some sort of rich, drunken boor who’s a burden of responsibility to his neighbors? I would think walking around in his underwear would fit the bill, wouldn’t it?
Yeah I was thinking about that. Whether there could be some modern equivalent. I don’t think you could compare J.Thaddeus Toad to any modern billionaires or even many modern trust fund kids. They seem to have so much money these days that they couldn’t spend it all in a lifetime. Toad blew through a family fortune pretty quick buying a couple vehicles and generally not paying attention and nearly lost the mansion. Off the top of my head I can only think of musicians and celebrities who managed to do that - like didn’t MC hammer blow all of his money really fast and have to sell his home? HM… I dunno who I could compare Toad to… he was rich and careless but he didn’t seem like a bad person. They said he had a “mania” in the cartoon as a sort of joke… but there are also people who whether because of drugs or mental illness have those problems… which is a bit more sad if you try to think of a real world analogy…
Dudley Moore?
How about Disney’s other free-spirited playboy amphibian who squandered his fortune and needed some cash to continue pursuing a life of leisure?
Heck, he even had an assist with lambchops who was badgering him about his excessive spending.
I only saw that one once a long time ago. I didn’t notice that! Nice catch! Ha.
[edited for previous typo - stupid iphone]
I prefer EH Sheppards portrayal of Mr Toad. He gave Toad a bunch of snappy outfits.
I also prefer his portrayal of Pooh. Disney can fuck off.
I can’t proceed past the fact that folk are mentioning the unmentionables.
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