YouTuber creates .50 caliber pool cue

Originally published at: YouTuber creates .50 caliber pool cue | Boing Boing

Reminds me of the golf club that uses the little nail gun charges to hit golf balls for you. For people who can’t swing a club the regular way.

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This is a really bad description of what’s in the video. In particular, while the cue delivers a tremendous impulse (powered by an explosive blank), it does not emit a projectile.

It also turns out to be terrible for playing pool. IDAT has had more successful projects. This is one of the only YouTubers I have found compelling enough to watch the entire back catalogue of.

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YouTube has been pushing this video at me for at least a week now. So I assume it’s been pushing it to everyone because I’ve never indicated the slightest interest in anything remotely associated with any aspect of it.

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I’m sorry it’s probably my fault, I watched it the day it came out and the YouTube algorithm likely decided that people that watch videos posted to Boing Boing are likely to watch this video.

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