Zookeepers spot tiger chewing on shoe leading them to unfortunate discovery

Originally published at: Zookeepers spot tiger chewing on shoe leading them to unfortunate discovery | Boing Boing


Reached for comment, the tiger noted that “burp” and “grr”.

Tigers gonna tiger.


One they get a taste for us, though…

The government official to the press said he was probably a “lunatic”? Is that an actual accepted term there?

“burp” and “grrreat!”.

Reminds me of a line from “Mock the Week”:

“Will the parents of the child who fell into the tiger enclosure please come to Lost & Found to retrieve their shoes…”

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I keep reading the headline as tigers spitting.

“Our assessment so far is that this appears to be a lunatic, because a sensible person would not jump into the den,”

I love that bit. Obs he was crazy. He jumped in the den.

@muser asked

“lunatic”? Is that an actual accepted term there?

It’s the word I would use. But that’s more for poetic than legal uses :slight_smile:
Also I grew up in the US. We used to have “lunatic asylums”.

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