Child's illustrated garden of Satanic ritual abuse

Look, if you want your kid to grow up to become a famous heavy metal rock star, you have to start them early. There’s so much competition in the music business these days!


As stated in other articles on this site, SRA is a basic element of Monarch Mind Control.


I understand making fun of the ridiculousness of satanic ritual abuse. But the reality is that the sorts of things in this book do happen. I was abused in similar ways as a child, and I know others who were as well. Terrible sexual abuse combined with adults saying crazy things, trying to control children in some way, is a real thing. Regardless of what individuals or studies say, I know because I experienced it for many years. It takes many years of therapy to heal from prolonged abuse. And as with most abuse, it is often a family pattern (because they can hide it, where strangers are more at risk of discovery, and most abusers really don’t want to be discovered).


I especially like the latest release “What the Actual Fuck: A Child’s Book about Doris Sanford’s Issues”.

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You don’t need Satanists- the government will do it…

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Reminds me of last Saturday. My dad is a fan of Ancient Aliens and I let myself ruin the whole afternoon (and bore my mom, fiancee`, etc. to tears) by getting roped into a long conversation of the “Isn’t it possible?” variety. Some people just don’t get why Ockham’s Razor exists.


The point isn’t to deny that abuse happens–far from it. It’s to identify the actual causes and sources of abuse.


You forgot to mention the rape, beatings, torture, and murder.

Written by someone who thought Wes Craven’s “Shocker” was a documentary.

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Sure there are crazy lunatics everywhere but where I live they’re mostly left alone with their delusions. In the US every crazy idea seems to get a nationwide following. What makes the US such a fertile ground for this conspiracy crazes? Is it the evangelical/puritan mindset? There seems to be a strong anti-scientific current running through the US society that makes such ideas like Anti-Vax, Global warming skeptics, creationism, Chemtrails, possible. I thought such things happened only in South-Western Africa (Witch craze, AIDS denial etc.) or silly muslim Theocracies.


Life is an illusion: consumerism, justifying wars, hospitals, “for the people”, pg-13 movies, and rain barrels. The sub conscious knows it’s a facade so the conscious sees conspiracies with everything.


She bit the fucking dog? Haha, holy shit!

Edit: I didn´t actually mean to reply to you robulus.

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Especially because actually doing anything useful more or less requires a vaguely accurate threat model. If you don’t get that sufficiently right, any amount of effort will be futile or even counterproductive.


No, it’s the internet. Now every jutjob has a megaphone, and it doesn’t take a lot of them to make a lot of noise.


I have a family member who was a victim of satanic ritual abuse. It was not a picnic.

Can we please not make satanic ritual abuse a punchline or a fantasy of conspiracy theorists? I understand the mindset of trying to downplay its prevalence - it is probably very rare and over-emphasized by media (really in the past) because it sounds crazy and has a religious hook to attract eyeballs. But a lot of conspiracy theories are about things that never happened at all and/or have no victims. This happens, albeit rarely, and has victims, though they are few. It’s not the best choice for the “look at the nutjob conspiracy theorists” treatment. Some respect, please?

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What are the odds some perverts got their jollies by reading this latter-day Malleus Maleficarum?

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I sympathize, and I agree with you. Trivializing any form of abuse - no matter how far-fetched it may seem - is counter-productive to the effort to get victims to speak out when they are abused. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the other commenters don’t recognize that.

I don’t believe, however, that Cory was attempting to trivialize abuse - even ritual satanic abuse - but rather to throw light on how it is being presented, in this case through the medium of a rather ham-fisted children’s book, and that the “research” performed is questionable, at best (see the self-published book about the Illuminati cited by the author).


I don’t get why satanic ritual abuse is a thing. Isn’t child abuse = child abuse? What makes “satanic ritual” child abuse worse? Is it more evil/deplorable if I e.g. hit a child with a broomstick because some sky wizard/goat-person told me instead of hitting the child with a broomstick for other reasons?


It’s easier to deal with if it’s only scary Satanists “out there” who abuse children. Nothing real and horrifying to confront that way. If Satanic (or any religious ritual abuse) is seen just as abuse, how can we remain indifferent?