Dick Dynasty deluxe Wild Dick Caller, as seen on TV

OMG, someone on the Internet has a sense of humor that’s different from yours?!


Most ducks are bisexual, they’re also rapists and necrophiliacs oh and they eat dicks.
Human dicks, there’s an epidemic of it in Siam. Seriously, there’s a scientific paper on it an everything.

I found the censorship of Phil offensive. The attempts to censor Phil have resulted in… The Streisand Effect. Go team free speech! Go team Dick Dynasty! I’m not sure I could stomach watching full-on cam-o beard-o homo porn, but if there was ever a time for such a production, the time is obviously now.

I know, right? Try to tell a wife beating joke and people get all preach on you.

Projection should also be on your checklist.

It’s your site, banhammer as befits the moderation policy. That said, chances are good that at least one former moderator would’ve allowed the pinata to hang around for a beating before banning.

Censorship… you keep using that word.

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How did this get from scripture-quoting to dick-sucking, exactly?

While it’s true that sometimes a duck caller is just a duck caller, a duck caller in the hands of a homophobic bigot is clearly something more.

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…said the altar boy.

The same way it so often does: two glasses of cheap wine and a sultry look.


Yeah, the less you generally know about the actual real world sexual proclivities of ducks, the better off you are. It’s… not good.

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As much as I enjoyed most of the other episodes of Isabella Rosselini’s “Green Porno” the one about ducks made me want to go and wash my brain afterwards. No amount of telling myself that at least it was educational, and that human standards of behavior can’t be applied to animals, and that people (for the most part) don’t act like ducks helped.

So if someone yells “DUCK!!!”, the last thing someone should do is get down?

(if you are in Siam, that is)

God, you’re so right. I’m sorry, Tina Belcher.

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