Girl Talk's first official video: the ultraviolent "Tolerated"


Only appreciable with the sound muted.


You sir, sound like a hater.

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Ugly. Just ugly. And not in a good way.


It is not worthy of my or anyone’s hate. It’s just repulsive sounds masquerading as music, worthy only of derision.

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I can see the people this song is about are weighing in here on boing boing.

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s haters.

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You mad? Yeah, you mad.


this video is cool!

I didn’t listen to the music though–you’ve heard one girl talk mash-up, you heard 'em all.

that guy starred at my dick in the Highland Ballroom men’s room at the after party for his show, maybe 5 years ago. he was super fucked up on something. I didn’t realize it was him until I mentioned it to my friends. “that’s him, that’s Girl Talk.” and then we all cracked up.


I never particularly liked Freeway, but I enjoyed this.

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Mod note: Everyone keep it in their pants.

Days like this remind me that Cosmopolitan was once a literary magazine…

Like a donkey being raped with a bagpipe.

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Huh, I’d never heard Girl Talk before, and had been led to believe they were really sonically intense. This sounds like regular hip-hop to me. It’s just string samples over a bass beat with some rapping.

But I like Swans, so maybe I’m jaded to what other people think of as “noise”.

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Hater haters gonna hate haters.

You know what, if there’s one thing I can appreciate it’s finely nuanced violence, and this video has it in spades! Enjoyed every blood-soaked second, and the escalation of violence as the imagined slights increased. Plus they totally delivered when I muttered to myself “rip that guy’s head off and use it like the basketball you just threw away.”

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it’s haters all the way down!


Girl Talk can stare at my dick if he wants.

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But it’s just pretend violence. It’s easy to see how fake that arm is, for instance.

The video was awesome, and I liked the song ok. But I was deeply disappointed because I was expecting some actual mashup. Girl Talk’s genius is munging together 20 or 30 classic tracks into one. This was pretty much run-of-the-mill hip hop. Fun to watch though.

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