Parents of Buddhist student sue "Bible Belt" Louisiana school over forced prayer, religious discrimination

Yes. In the US, it’s not limited to the deep south. We tend to call them “fundamentalists.” They have very little knowledge of what’s inside that precious book and zero knowledge of the history of thier faith.

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… I never understood Augustine. or Calvin. except for the idea that evil is where things aren’t as good as they should be, instead of where they are somehow anti-good. I think predestination utterly handwaves away the problem of evil, and predestination with eternal damnation is evil. I don’t think ‘born into sin’ makes any sense either, afaik it was invented to justify child baptism, and ‘born into a sinful world and unable to rise above it’ is quite enough to explain…

… anyway, harassing children should qualify as ‘sinful.’


Don’t forget Reagan, but definitely DO forget Jefferson…that commie.

Syntax error messages generated by Reality.

And you can see America has scored the clap from raping its soap-denied slaves after church on Sunday.

…Not that Oz has a pristine dick, by any means

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