Pig escapes, terrorizes entire town, craps in cop car

Pilton, eh? Only the right kinda people call it that… :wink:

What is it, Irony Day?

That was my first thought too. That face, to me, says “I regret NOTHING!”

The word “terror” is Xeni’s, not from the original article (and clearly intended to be humorous, not literal, anyway). The actual police seem to be taking this about as seriously as BoingBoing is. From the Shelby Township Police Department’s Facebook page:

Ok, since we are getting so much mileage out of this pig thing, would now be a terrible time to ask for some page likes? PLEASE… I’m BACON YOU…to like our page! - Officer L

You mean us people who live near there and can remember when it was the “Pilton pop festival”?

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Yesterday at Stourhead we found some very passive-aggressive notices (presumably by the farmer) about a bull with cows in a field, suggesting “why not go somewhere else” - not so easy if you’re well over half way round a circular walk. The recommended technique is to let your dog off the lead. The cows and the bull chase the dog, you escape. I’m afraid that if we did that, our dog would wait to see if the cows chased us.
To add to the insult, one of the notices was the wrong way round, so that by the time you could read it you were in the field with the bull.

What bothers me is that in instances such as this, people seem to always call police, despite the ambiguity of applying human laws to non-human animals.

It wasn’t in Northumberland, it was in Wallsend (part of North Tyneside), which is rather urban, and definitely not ‘farming territory’. Still a bizarre overreaction, though.


the pig seems to be saying:
“Gentlemen, though you have wronged me deeply by your actions and incarcerated me here in this vehicle, I can tell you that you shant break my spirit, nor my profound belief in the rights of all free individuals to life, liberty and happiness, that your ham-handed attempt at enforcing the laws of “man” upon me, will ultimately fail, and provide no moral high ground to you, my oppressors, that though you now, at this juncture, have sought and attained my capture, you cannot and shall not ever as long as I am alive take my freedom of thought, nor my quest for adventure beyond those man-made limits placed upon my physical being. You sirs, have failed to crush me with your barbarity. And for your trouble I shall now cast a mighty shit upon this seat.”


I thought a single monogrammed white glove was more customary. Larceny sure 'ain’t what it used to be.


Animal control is a county-level responsibility in Michigan, most often administered by the sheriff’s department.

As opposed to ‘Henley Regatta without the boats’? :slight_smile:

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I may be missing something here, you have to go quite a bit further down the Thames to get the sort of mud you get in a field in Somerset. Now if you said “Mudchute without the Millwall supporters”, I’d agree with you.

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Don’t mess with pigs, man. They are smart and mean. Rather like crossing Bill Buckley with Ted Cruz.

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