Republican Congressman threatens to kill reporter after State of the Union

Yes. But it isn’t TREASON, one of the very few crimes defined in the constitution.

Ah, I see now that you’re embracing pedantry and trite semantics over substance. I said what he did was treasonous. I’m not literally saying I think it would be practical to literally charge him with treason although his attempt to block a journalist is certainly an outright attack on our U.S. Constitution.

A politician attacking our core American way of life by threatening to kill a member of the press for doing his duty of the fourth estate is a treasonous act.

If you still don’t get it, then we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I’ve catered to your inane, pedantic whims long enough and you’re only creating a mindless distraction from this politician’s treasonous act against our republic. You’re attention-whoring and not much more at this point.

I don’t disagree with this politician’s policies, I disagree with his physical threat to squelch and literally kill a member of the press in the fucking United States of America. I find that to be treasonous against our way of life here in the USA. Deal with it.