VIDEO: Hallucinatory NARCOSE captures free diving's beauty and danger (NSFW)



Wow. Just wow, on many levels.

I can’t imagine a better treatment of this subject. Beautiful, viscerally haunting, and riveting to watch.


Is there audio? I’m around .75 through and no sound…
Fixed (because yosemite)

I cannot understand why he has no oxygen. I also cannot understand why he is not dead. But I totally understand French boobies.


Free diving has always fascinated me. Completely terrifies me, and I don’t think I could ever do it, but wow is it ever an amazing sport.

Gorgeous video. Some of the imagery was incredible.

No. It contains nudity because he hallucinated nudity. And the French? Well, they respect such things.

Leaving aside the nudity of that scene, it must be an incredible feeling to be freediving as a pregnant woman.

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