2 photos of what appears to be JD Vance in drag surface online

Originally published at: 2 photos of what appears to be JD Vance in drag surface online - Boing Boing


I remember when the shillbilly pretended he was such a salt-of-the-earth and manly Real American™ that he couldn’t handle sparkling water. I wonder what lies and BS he’ll come up with to handwave this away.


Pretty sure he will say something like, “Much like I used to think Trump was American Hitler, I used to think drag was fun. I’ve changed by mind after new facts came to light.”

Now will the MAGA faithful start to show up in drag in support, or is that for Trump only.


Just like everything else I’ve seen out of this mediocre gasbag, that is some pathetic, low effort drag.


Nope, didn’t fix it, still creepy.


While I find Vance a milquetoast shitbarf who will do or say anything that gets him closer to power, isn’t this just a bad halloween costume? Somewhere in there the article says the photo was taken around halloween.

Yes, he is a horrid hypocrite for his newly discovered (or admitted) hostility to GLBTQ people, but let’s focus on that rather than some stupid costume he wore once while in college.

Ick, feels like I’m defending him - I am not. I just want us to stay focused.


By all appearances they seem to be a rather unremarkable low-effort Halloween costume from his time at Yale law school. It barely even qualifies as “drag.”

As discussed elsewhere, there’s nothing weird or even inherently sexual about a cishet guy dressing up as a woman for Halloween as long as he’s not being creepy about it. But such is the right wing’s fear of all things even tangentially LGBTQ+ that even this is enough to qualify as a scandal with his base.


Does look like a Halloween costume. If so… who would he be dressed up as?


I agree with you, but the optics will be bad for him with the Know-Nothing bigots to whom he sells his hateful poison. A lot of these idiots think that wiping yourself after pooping will “turn you gay”, so if this makes things more difficult for him and his campaign then we should make iiknown far and wide.


I also want us to stay focused, but I want us to stay away from our previous tactic of wringing our hands and worrying about decorum.

The shit posting, the joy, the memes, laughing at them loudly, all that is working because they haaaate it. We’ve spent years trying to be serious people in the face of fascism, but it didn’t do as much good as laughing at how ridiculous they are.

We can go back to being serious later, right now we need to win.


My guess is someone known to the other partygoers, such as a peer or a professor.

My office used to do something like that on Halloween where we’d draw names from a hat and show up to work dressed as each other. One year I drew my boss (an Asian American woman) so I got a wig and a skirt and some fashion accessories that resembled the kinds of things she liked to wear. I absolutely did not try to make my face look more Asian (though I drew on a mole to match her own), nor did I wear a stuffed bra since I didn’t want to sexualize it.

So yeah, not necessarily creepy. Just low-effort.


This immediately sounded like fun to me, but then I remembered how many assholes I’ve worked with over the years. Not gonna risk drawing from that hat.


One the one hand…so what?

On the other hand, exactly the people who find this act to be “degenerate” are exactly the ones I’d like to see offended.


i agree. my first thought when looking at the pix was “Hmm, a wig alone does not really qualify as drag in my book…” even less so when it’s a halloween costume. Now, if he was dressing up for Rocky Horror or something, then maybe… but it all more falls in the realm of simple cosplay for me. Not really drag.


Yeah it is definitely the kind of thing that could go very badly if you didn’t have the right group of people doing it.

Like the following year when I drew the name of a Black coworker (I obviously did NOT go the blackface route but there are probably lots of offices where that would have happened).


Reminds me of this episode of The Office:


Since we’re talking about the same JD Vance who said “I’ll stop calling people ‘groomers’ when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my children” and said he would oppose federal marriage protections for same-sex and interracial marriages I’m not doing any hand-wringing.

I agree with those who say what he’s doing isn’t really “drag” and may not even violate the anti-drag bills that have been passed in various states–at least not technically. But given his attacks on LGBTQ people and how Project 2025 describes LGBTQ people I think he at least deserves to be asked what he would say about his decision to put on a dress and wig.


… Daenerys Targaryen maybe

given that the photos are from 12 years ago


Can’t be long before we find one with him in drag alongside Giuliani.


… Vance was 15 when Giuliani was doing drag