Why don’t you tell me what my solution for too many gun-related deaths in this country is?
Hint: I’ve never said, anywhere on this forum.
Why don’t you tell me what my solution for too many gun-related deaths in this country is?
Hint: I’ve never said, anywhere on this forum.
[quote=“alahmnat, post:489, topic:70123, full:true”]
I don’t know why I have to keep pointing this out to you, but at either the state or federal level, legislative action has been taken to try and mitigate all of these problems. It’s ONLY EVER GUNS that we’re never allowed to do anything about.[/quote]
I use computers because people on an online forum are obviously familiar with them and use them. Various world governments think owning computers and access to the internet is a threat and try to regulate. From banning crypto or secure browsing like TOR, to limiting what part of the internet its citizens can see to trying to spy on what people are doing online - all in the name of National Security.
Are you the type to say, “Sure, track my movement online, here is the password to the back door. I am not doing anything wrong so there is no reason to fear being monitored.” Then I have nothing more to say.
If you are the type to say, “Fuck you, the government has no business where I spend my time on line or what I use my computer for.” Then maybe someday you will see it’s the same thing.
Oh boo hoo - blame the NRA for typical government ineptness. The law is passed. They don’t need any new laws to tighten or enhance. If the system isn’t working the way it was made to, then fix it. Do your fucking job. That sort of thing doesn’t even require elections or new laws passed, they just have to DO IT.
The ATF actually has A LOT of power because they can control what is classified as what. No new laws. No elected officials risking reelection. Two recent examples are the SIG Arm Brace, which they allowed - as long as you don’t shoulder it like a stock, you can put it on your AR pistol. And they tried to reclassify a type of ammo that has been around since the 70s as armor piercing, but backed down because 1) it wasn’t armor piercing, and 2) it has been around since the 70s and not hurting anyone.
I’d gladly give up all of my current and future guns if it meant that people would be safer and we could get rid of all these killings.
Thanks for offering, but I don’t think most people want you guns turned in, nor those of any other upstanding citizen.
What I want is for people on both sides to agree that the status quo of mass-shootings is UN-FUCKING-ACCEPTABLE, and come to the table to investigate solutions and propose a plan.
I am not “anti-gun.” I’m sick and fucking tired of seeing innocent Americans slaughtered on our soil and being told that I have to accept it because it’s “The Price of Our Freedom.”
I’ve already given some suggestions. Mainly decriminalize/legalize drugs. The overall end game is more equality and less desperately poor, as the poor commit a hugely disproportionate amount of violent crime compared to middle or the upper class.
The reality you don’t want to hear is there is no easy answer. Riddle me this, how do we reduce the use of illegal drugs? Because we have been trying for decades, spent billions, exploded our prison population, and slowly erode the civil rights of your and mine. If you think more gun laws and restricting more lawful people is going to affect violent crime, then you haven’t been paying attention to how the world works. Of course if it is something you don’t use or care about, then it is easy to give up.
So I hear you saying that you’ve never read my posts on these subjects.
I am trying to remember. I replied to I believe @redesigned one topic ago because I felt his ideas were well meaning and sounded good on paper and worthy of a reply.
I can’t recall yours specifically, but if they were too out there I did myself and everyone a favor and saved my breath. If you post again in another thread I’ll try to reply. Don’t change your avatar though, I am bad remember names.
So you have no respect for my posts, and in fact outright insulted me. Why didn’t you “save your breath” with regard to my posts in this thread, too?
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