I have been very clear that I side with Sanders and Warren over the other candidates. Both of them have flaws that mean that at this point I’m not willing to openly choose one over the other. I don’t include brocialists and class reductionists in these flaws.
I don’t use the phrase Bernie-bros, because it distracts from class reductionism being a bigger problem. It will still be around after Bernie, unless we do something about it now. For some reason POC, women and LGBTQ+ always get excluded when everything becomes about class.
M4A could help all people, and I support it for this reason, but it can easily exclude women and LGBTQ+ (especially transgender) without any awareness of how it can also be used as a tool of opression. I’m sure Bernie won’t do this, but could you trust Rebublicans to not try? How about right wing democrats?
Not in the same way, no. There are toxic groups out there, but they aren’t brocialists because biden and pete are social liberals, not socialists or social democrats. The toxicity is different and still a problem.
i seriously hope no one thinks i was trying to undermine black lives matter. but maybe that’s the effect of me posting that?
the whole point was just that blm is a real and meaningful group.
they do great work. and white supremacists target it for precisely that reason. setting up fake groups and fake rallies, trying to push agendas other than police reform and racial equity.
my thought i guess is that at least some of what’s happening with sanders supporters might be the same.
but as others are pointing out- it’s not really necessary. white men will white men regardless.
It’s funny that they put a minimum in at 40 and it made sense. They thought let’s ensure a candidate has some life experience and political office experience to have learned the necessary skills to be president.
They never imagined we needed a cap because they never imagined 70 somethings doing this shit.