2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

I did some exploratory posting on some public political forums, and the Biden/Dem faithful are having none of it, and are in full GOP-defend Kavanaugh mode (and boy do those Mutha’s hate Sanders).

I get the exact same vibe from them I get from Trump supporters. Their man is innocent. Its all a conspiracy against their man. Its a russian plot. It is surreal. They truly don’t see any problem with this. They don’t acknowledge any hypocrisy against the Dem’s moral stance on Kavanaugh. And they don’t think this will hurt Biden in the Gen Elec. “But trumps so much worse - 20 allegations - He won’t be able to attack Biden on this…”

I’ve doubted Biden’s ability to win for some time now, but this sinks it. If the DNC runs with this we are all fucked.


polls won’t save us


Pretty much. All tribalism, no actual discussion of any actual issues.

Yup. Plus a healthy dose of “why did she wait until now to come out with this?”,
completely ignoring the fact that she’s been trying to tell this story for years, and there are articles to prove it, but the mainstream media has been covering it up.

The boy who cried wolf. It’s unfortunate, because it looks like there actually are some Russian plots afoot, but when you go around calling everyone who disagrees with you a Russian agent, people will (correctly) assume that you’re a lying shithead, and that they should tune out anything you have to say about anything, because if it happens not to be a lie, that’s purely by chance.

This is the kind of argument that only works on party loyalists. They still seem to think that trying to blackmail everyone else into falling in line behind their shitty candidate is a winning proposition.


Let’s not forget that in the end, Clinton’s margin of popular vote over Trump was pretty much exactly as predicted by the last polls. Trump’s win came down to razor-thin margins in a number of crucial states, that fitted well within error margins.

So let’s not bash the polls, even if the lower-probability event happened in 2016, okay? :slight_smile:


Yes - exactly.

I think the only thing to do now is blackmail them back. Progressives have a moral basis to not go along with this shit - and they have to know that they can’t do it alone. We need solidarity - NO VOTES for BIDEN. Sanders is the Nominee!

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Why Sanders and not Warren?


I’m not a progressive, but I would say that has always been the case, and is no more the case because of this than it was before. The guy could be a serial killer in his personal life, and that still wouldn’t be as bad as having voted for the Iraq war, in terms of reasons you shouldn’t vote for him.

Because there are more loud Sanders supporters here than there are of Warren supporters.

Also, given the reactions all over the net I saw from Sanders supporters over sexist comments to Warren, I would expect that if it was Bernie insted of Biden being accused, people would be rallying behind Sanders and dismissing the accusations just as much as they do now.


I will try to not bash them. Thank you for the bright-side nudge.

But the 2016 cycle has made me forever suspicious of our election process here in the The Republic.

That is almost certainly true. If that happened, the media would have also an absolute field day trying to blame Sanders for his worst supporters’ shitty attitudes, rather than doing everything they can to ignore it and cover it up, like they are for Biden.


You are right about that. But this is a particularly clear example, because it was recent, and because Democrats took a particularly strong and public position in favor of the women accuser (where as most dems voted for the war in Iraq). The Democrats ignoring their own moral stance to support and advance Biden gives the Republicans huge leverage to paint the Dems with their usual accusations - except this time they would actually be right.

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Well, basically Warren has already dropped out.

If my wild proposal that Biden drops out happens, Bernie cruises solo through the rest of the primaries and gains the delegates needed to finish the process legitimately. I don’t think Warren can gain the delegates, nor any of the other already dropped out. Sanders is the last Candidate standing. Thats it.

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Well, the ongoing global pandemic, and the absolute shitshow of response that Trump is mismanaging, are probably distracting both the media and the audiences right now. No need to assume any kind of a cover-up.

As far as I know, Warren has only suspended her campaign. Without an outright majority, it is up to the delegates to elect the best possible candidate.


The “last polls” won’t be available until late October

There is no good reason not to bash the current polls, which mean nothing, and which would mean nothing even if they accounted for the Electoral College, which they do not


But in the scenario where Biden drops out, Sanders can collect the remaining delegates required to take the nomination legitimately. If the othe4 candidates jump back in it will only muddy the waters and risk the loss of progrssive support we face right now.

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If Biden drops out, other candidates could rejoin the race. This is not Big Brother.


They might, but I don’t think the can catch up in the delegate count at this point.


Biden’s delegates wouldn’t be erased, they would switch to some other centrist

There is no scenario where Sanders gets to keep all his delegates and the others just go away