2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

“here” being somewhere between “out of the loop” and “no longer relevant”

this is the problem with running for president when you don’t currently have a newsworthy job



“Here” being quite recently having served two terms as an active Vice President, and now with a commanding lead for the Democratic nomination, having beaten out an extensive field.

Biden donors

Who the fuck cares about what Biden donors “privately float”? The best guess of what a Biden cabinet will look like is that it will look essentially like Obama’s cabinet.

Again, that’s not what polling suggests. I know it’s an article of faith for many Sanders supporters that only Bernie can win against Trump, but this is not borne out by polls.


surprise surprise


There are many reasons why Bernie should stick out the primaries (despite the calls of some unnamed Biden supporters), but one is that this is a chance, once and for all, for the “both parties are the same” voters on the left to prove that they have enough political strength to be worth listening to. Even if Sanders doesn’t win, a good showing will tell Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party that they must pander to them as well as to the center. If they don’t show up, then there is no reason to believe that the narrative of untapped pools of Sanders voters waiting to support him against Trump has any basis in fact.

More concretely, if Sanders does OK in the rest of the primaries, Biden might choose a progressive running mate, a Stacy Abrams or Elizabeth Warren (or someone else, but still to his left). If not, he might decide there is more to gain by courting suburban Republican women with a Kamala Harris or an Amy Klobuchar. And he would probably be right.


Heather Cox Richardson nails it:

The New York Times editorial board echoed Ginsburg, warning that what is happening in Wisconsin, where Republicans are trying to use the pandemic to steal an election, could happen nationally in 2020. This is why Democrats tried to get robust election funding in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus bill to bolster mail-in ballots, and why Trump said: “The things they had in there were crazy, they had things, levels of voting that if you ever agreed to, you would never have another Republican elected in this country again.”


Milwaukee, WI this morning, at one of the city’s 5 total polling places (it normally has 180).

Republicans are killing people again.


Wisconsin governor should pull a Trump and shut down election until vote by mail is implemented, SCOW and SCOTUS be damned.


Right? Surely he has some sort of emergency powers.

I don’t know much about him, but maybe he’s just another cowardly Dem. Hard to imagine a guv like IL’s Pritzker putting up with this thieving, murderous bullshit.


The Michigan secretary of state will be mailing absentee ballot applications soon for the May 5 election (for those who have something on the ballot). If necessary, she’ll do it for November, too. We, the people of Michigan, passed an amendment that allows no-excuse absentee ballots back in 2016, it finally kicked in this year.


Awesome. Fingers crossed that the SCOTUS Gang doesn’t step in and overturn it.


Well that’s it folks



All hail Biden…


Well, get prepared for four more years of Il Douche (the more likely scenario, I’m afraid, with gaffe-prone Uncle Joe and the DNC establishment doing the campaigning) or – if we’re “lucky” – more neoliberal-lite and military-industrial complex business as usual. I’ll be stepping up my plans to spend less time in-country than I already am.


The fact that Bernie is out because a bunch of wine moms named Karen ad MBA-dorks named Doug are too afraid to do some reading about the word ‘Socialism’ is just too depressing. Even if Biden doesn’t lose, it’s just four more years of Neoliberalism enriching the 5% instead of the 1%, and that’s overlooking one thing: Biden will lose.

Thanks, Tom Perez. Thanks, DNC. Thanks, Hillary.

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If you don’t see the misogyny that was aimed at her by some people, then you’re fucking blind and see it nowhere… which is a real a problem, it tells me that those of us who have to deal with these problems will never get help and support from people like you.

That’s not the choice. Stop bringing in hypotheticals.


Well anyways, this is what I came here for. Starts 6 minutes in.


Um. If you say so.


Sanders is a class act as usual. It’s a shame that the BernieBros* aren’t. I’d like to think they’d stop “helping” after this, but as in 2016 they’ll do their part to make sure Biff gets a second term.

[* who, y’know, are totally mythical – not a single one here /s]