2020 Election Thread (formerly: 2020 Presidential Candidates Thread) (Part 1)

Harris and Travis counties just need to ignore the stay. I mean, that’s what Abbott does. That’s what the Turmp Administration does.


We administratively declare that these 100 other addresses are part of the same county owned property plot where we have our one polling place; for one day only. Place them only in gov owned buildings.


invent a new thing called a ballot bin, and then drive the drop box around to transfer the bins to the box.

really i think there should be one drop box for every library and/or post office. theyve already got the locations and the public employees to staff those locations. ( of course, some areas are underserved for libraries and post offices, but still… )


It’s a very difficult and frustrating read.


Up here in Spokane County, WA we have 25 drop boxes for a population of about 470,000. Most of them are outside of libraries and other civic buildings.


here’s the thing… lets say white evangelicals dislike trump as much they claim to. that they only support him because of the chance to put justices on the bench.

if the republicans succeed in cramming barrett’s nomination through before the election… why the beelzebub would they vote for him again?

it makes no sense. they have what they wanted, and they could wash their hands of him now. take a victory lap. dance their happy dance. ( just not the baptists. no dancing for them. )

to me it shows the lie for what it is. “pro-life” is just a token used to make their own desire for control seem somehow moral. like qanon does with “pedophilia” to get the suckers in the door.

note that black evangelicals don’t support trump even though they are “pro life” because they explicitly say that you can’t be actually pro-life and support racism.

to me that white evangelicals still want to vote for bunkerboy shows it’s never been about abortion, it’s all about white grievance wrapped up as morality.


You can never have enough justices. Another could die in the next four years. Heck, why not have the supreme court stocked with xtian taliban, all the time, forever? As far as Black evangelicals, it probably is the way you say mostly, but the ones I work with are all, each and every one, proselyting at work for Trump.

Overall I agree though, and that was part of what made the story I linked troubling. It would be infuriating to think that one issue is what holds many xtians back from rejecting Trump, but I think it is facetious. If they got Roe v Wade overturned, then it would shift to LGBT acceptance, prayer in schools, America’s “official” religion, allowing censorship of ‘satanic’ entertainment and porn, and on and on. Eventually they’d be pushing amendments about the length of women’s skirts.

Like she says, it really is about power, and making this into the country they see as right. That’s the reason I don’t trust overly religious people in office. They get their mandate from “god”, not the constitution and the will of the people.


Phil Visher tackles that question directly, with historical references worth noting.


That is just something I am going to have to believe is true, and assume my part of the country, and the people I know, are outliers. I really, really hope so, anyway.

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i’d like you to imagine a world in which clinton won in 2016 with the senate still in control of the senate. do you think they would have allowed scalia’s seat to be filled by clinton or would they have argued that there was nothing particularly special about having 9 justices and just left the seat open. if ginsburg had retired during this hypothetical clinton administration wouldn’t they have been just as likely to keep two seats open?


Statistics are like that. What might be true nationally can be very skewed locally.

In regard to treatment of Covid (and Il Douche) we have gotten better at treating critical cases and he got the benefit of that, in a way that us peons would never have been offered, even if we could afford it. The fact that fairly mild cases, which are the vast, vast majority, can still carry significant long term impairment has not yet been addressed in any meaningful way, and I fear will lead to a huge number of more-or-less compromised individuals for a very long time to come.


They belong to a sick cult imo (and this is based on life experience so it’s mean… Cause my experiences with them have been meanness and abuse without much else). They worship a god of death, suffering, and punishment who kills us and destroys us but calls it love because we deserve it. I really think they can’t stand to see other humans less miserable than them because it means God may like some one else more. Evangelical Christianity is that basic and that grotesque from my lifelong interactions with it


You mean the Republicans still in control of the Senate? Stalling Scalia’s replacement for four years?

They were openly talking about doing it before the 2016 election.


Generally one tempers such things because it sets a nasty precedent for the next time roles are reversed. I don’t think a replacement has ever been stalled four years. I think maybe a year in recent memory, but I’d have to look it up.

I really don’t think “it was never done before” is terribly reassuring given the current crop of assholes occupying those eats.


Agreed. These are radicals who’ve made it clear since Gingrich that they’re comfortable bulldozing norms in service of instituting effective one-party rule.

They also benefit from the fact that the Dem establishment refuses to recognise that fact and continues to act like Charlie Brown every time Lucy tees up that football.


They don’t give a shit about precedent if the precedent would mean they lose a fight.


Perhaps, but I think we get distracted into thinking these issues are of the same importance to career politicians as they are to the religious zealots. Sure, they care, but what they really care about are the billions of dollars in deals that pass through Congress continually, and require at least some give-and-take with Democrats.

I don’t think they would risk the ire of the army of lobbyists and special interests by creating a karmic ice age of cooperation. Add to that many interests have no leanings other than who can make them the most money by representing their will in Congress. If Republicans provoke a nuclear winter with absolutely no cooperation with the House of Representatives, they’d be of no use to their puppet masters and lose access to those purse strings.

This is an election year. They talk a big Roe v Wade game, and will make a show of things. If you think abortion matters as much as cash to Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell, think again. They will do everything they can get away with, so long as they don’t poison the well completely.

Holding up a Supreme Court Justice four years would do that, I think.

For the vast majority of them, I do not think abortion matters at all except as a cudgel to keep evangelicals in line. Power, absolute power, on the other hand, means everything. It has been a while since they felt that any form of negptiation was useful in that quest, and any of them who even spoke with dems were labeled “RINOs.” No, IMHO, precident is not a useful guide in our current situation.