Kishida was simply restating the Japanese government position but repeating it now is a tit for tat gesture.
Aaaannnd…now the war is over
There was a splendid dig at Patel today from a Tory MP of all people, who pointed out that this was absolutely not the way that we treated refugees from Uganda back in the day…
He leaves tomorrow, God bless him.
Zerg rush?
I would see myself out, but I am currently stuck in mud and can’t rush as I used to…
ETA: no idea why this reply now goes to @Jesse13927, I replied to and even quoted the post by @nosaj ?
almost like activision is finding new ways to profit off war and distract from their own serious serious issues
i know it’s off topic but f them.
Personally, being stuck in NW France would be a win-win, in my book.
(For those not aware of Priti Patel’s background - put 2 and 2 together.)
And @Purplecat I watched that last night on BBC News. The reporter could hardly disguise his disgust. Incoming Nadine Dorries in 3… 2… 1…
Today the outflow of refugees from Ukraine reaches two million people.
Amidst all the horror of this situation, honestly I’m just glad that many people made it to (hopefully, still a question mark for some) safer conditions.
Also good grief that’s ~5% of the country’s population, according to Wikipedia.
That 5% is even larger when you consider that the male half of the population is not allowed to leave, and gets conscripted at the border if they try.