2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Part 3)

Earlier in the day, Wagner fighters and a few dozen members of the public had gathered at a makeshift memorial for Yevgeny Prigozhin in his home town of St Petersburg.

In other news, a few dozen people in St. Petersburg came down with polonium poisoning.



Russian neo-nazi, Jan Petrovskiy, the leader of Rusich unit along with Aleksey Milchakov, was detained in Finland, according to local news. Rusich Telegram channel (ran by Milchakov and other admins) says he was detained a month ago and that more detailed comment will follow.

Petrovskiy is on the right, Milchakov on the left.


GREY ZONE sheds some light on the situation with Russian neo-nazi Yan Petrovsky who was detained a month ago in Finland: Ukraine put a request to extradite the man to Ukraine rather than deport him back to Russia (Telegram: Contact @grey_zone):

:exclamation:The news is now spreading that a Russian citizen has been detained in Finland, and the Russian Foreign Ministry, in turn, is taking measures to help.

But this news is no longer news, in fact the situation is as follows:

Russian citizen Yan Igorevich Petrovsky (call sign Slavyan) was detained in Finland more than a month ago (July 20). At the same time, my good friend Aleksey Milchakov (call sign Serb), the commander of the Rusich DSHRG @dshrg2, wrote to me about this, that the fighter detained was Slavyan. Even despite the fact that earlier Yan Petrovsky had (now deprived of) a residence permit in Norway since the pre-war times, he has been fighting as a volunteer in the Donbass since 2014. Then he fought for Russia in other parts of the world, and now he returned to the war in Ukraine.

At the time of his arrest, he was placed in the Migrant Detention Center in Finland. The reason for his detention is called something like “violation of the migration legislation” of the Schengen area. After the arrest, his wife, who was traveling with him to resolve issues with studies and subsequent return to Russia (this indicates that the departure to Finland was not for the purpose of recreation or immigration), immediately notified the Russian consulate about this, just as the Finnish side did . But the Russian Foreign Ministry did not react to this either in a public or behind-the-scenes format. Not at all.

Since July 20, Yan Petrovsky has not been visited by either the Russian consul or the lawyer. Despite the fact that Slavyan’s wife personally wrote to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Today’s public reaction to the situation from the Russian Foreign Ministry is connected only with the fact that Yan Petrovsky was transferred to prison, where, according to the latest news, he will not be expected to be deported to Russia after paying a fine, but to be extradited, which Ukraine has already requested.

Let me remind you that the Russian volunteer unit DSHRG “Rusich”, as well as its command in the face of Serb and Slavyan, is under US and EU sanctions, and in Ukraine they are waiting for their extradition just as the Russians were waiting for the trial at the command of “Azov”, though we’ve now seen the fate of "Azov”, now let’s see how the state will stand up for the Russian volunteers.

I don’t know why Slavyan went to the “friendly Finland” - I don’t know the answer, maybe he was worried about his wife, who was alone when it comes to a trip. But even Jan’s reckless act is not a reason to leave the Russian in trouble.

Slavyan is threatened with extradition to Ukraine either directly or through a third country in a fictitiously created criminal case. Extradition to Ukraine is equivalent to 15-20 years, or even a life sentence.

I ask the friendly channels to help disseminate information in any format convenient for you.




Several Russian sources are highlighting a dangerous situation that is developing on the “island(s)” of the Dnieper river, where recon companies of the Russian 205th Brigade are ordered forward without any artillery support, resulting in their destruction by Ukrainians.

First messages emerged when Russian mercenary with the call sign “13th” published on his channel an audio message attacking the commander of the 205th Brigade. This was followed up by 4-5 other channels confirming this information and also mentioning similar situations developing in a number of other units.

Below is a chat log provided to a Russian military reported by someone from the Brigade. It is unclear which specific island they are talking about, but the area seems to be somewhere near Kherson.



Or you know, just have done it already.

(Yes I know it’s the other generic transnational lager)


Western companies have been hampered by rules, introduced by the Kremlin last year, that force firms to get approval from Russia’s finance ministry before selling any assets. The process can take anywhere from six to 12 months, and can be more burdensome for key sectors like oil and banking, which need personal approval from the president, Vladimir Putin.


Fuck Wagner, but also hoping they take this personally.


I do sometimes forget that Moscow and Crimea are roughly the same distance from Kyiv


Rusich unit is “pausing” its participation in the SMO after one of its founders was arrested in Finland. The detained Yan Petrovsky is a very dangerous criminal who was known for executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war. He knows a lot, including about Milchakov and the rest. I highly doubt the Russian govt would want to get involved with protecting such an individual.

On the subject of resetting Ukrainian strategy (mentioned in the story):


I’m gonna guess that some of these are “witting” targets…


The Rusich group wrote on Telegram on Friday that it would stop taking part in combat missions in Ukraine until Torden is handed over.

Hold fast, Finland. Don’t listen to the Nazis!