2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Part 3)

And that pic is many years old. I think it would have come up if it was fake.


30m ago19.24 EDT

As many have pointed out, Prigozhin would not be the first enemy of Vladimir Putin to meet an untimely death. Reuters has put together this rundown of mysterious deaths and apparent attacks on critics of the Russian president:

ALEXEI NAVALNY: Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, was flown to Germany in August 2020 for medical treatment after being poisoned in Siberia with what western experts concluded was the military nerve agent novichok. Russia has denied any involvement. Navalny earned admiration around the world for voluntarily returning to Russia in 2021. He was immediately arrested on arrival.

SERGEI SKRIPAL: A former Russian double agent who passed secrets to British intelligence, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a bench outside a shopping centre in the English cathedral city of Salisbury in March 2018.
They were taken to hospital in critical condition, and British officials said they had been poisoned with novichok, a group of nerve agents developed by the Soviet military in the 1970s and 1980s. Both survived.

VLADIMIR KARA-MURZA: A Russian opposition activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza said he believes attempts were made to poison him in 2015 and 2017. A German laboratory later found elevated levels of mercury, copper, manganese and zinc in him, according to medical reports seen by Reuters. Moscow denied involvement.

ALEXANDER LITVINENKO: Alexander Litvinenko, an ex-KGB agent and outspoken critic of Putin, died in 2006 aged 43 after drinking green tea laced with polonium-210, a rare and potent radioactive isotope, at London’s Millennium Hotel, British officials have said. Putin probably approved the killing, a British inquiry concluded in 2016. The Kremlin has denied involvement.

ALEXANDER PEREPILICHNY: The 44-year-old Russian was found dead near his luxury home on an exclusive gated estate outside London after he had been out jogging in November 2012. Alexander Perepilichny sought refuge in Britain in 2009 after helping a Swiss investigation into a Russian money-laundering scheme. His sudden death raised suggestions he might have been murdered. Russia denied involvement.

VIKTOR YUSHCHENKO: Viktor Yushchenko, then a Ukrainian opposition leader, was poisoned during the campaign for the 2004 presidential election in which he ran on a pro-western ticket against the pro-Moscow prime minister Viktor Yanukovich.
He said he was poisoned while having dinner outside Kyiv with officials from the Ukrainian security services. Russia denied any involvement. His body was found to contain 1,000 times more dioxin than is normally present. His face and body were disfigured by the poisoning, and he had dozens of operations in the aftermath.

ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA: A journalist who reported on human rights abuses, she was shot dead outside her flat in Moscow on 7 October 2006, after returning home from the supermarket.


… or poloniumpted :test_tube:


Russia’s aviation agency identified the seven passengers as: Prigozhin and his right-hand man Dmitry Utkin, Sergei Propustin, Yevgeny Makaryan, Alexander Totmin, Valery Chekalov and Nikolai Matuseyev.

The crew members were identified as Captain Alexei Levshin, co-pilot Rustam Karimov and flight attendant Kristina Raspopova.



Russia’s aviation authority has said that Prigozhin’s name was on the plane’s passenger list, and a Wagner-linked Telegram group has claimed he was killed in the crash.

But with no way to independently verify Prigozhin’s death at the moment, some analysts are urging caution.

Keir Giles, from the London-based think tank Chatham House, says there is “one huge caveat” we need to consider.

“It’s been announced that a passenger by the name of Yevgeny Prigozhin was on board - but it is also known that multiple individuals have changed their name to Yevgeny Prigozhin, as part of his efforts to obfuscate his travels,” Giles says.

He adds that until we know “for certain” that it’s the right Prigozhin, “let’s not be surprised if he pops up shortly in a new video from Africa”.



The Federal Air Transport Agency will lie, when asked to do so.


It is, apparently, known that

  • Prigozhin has multiple people using his name, so that there’s a continual shell game on multiple continents as to where he might actually be.
  • The last we heard from him, he was in Africa.
  • The Russian government, and all of its subsidiaries, lie like cheap rugs.
  • ∴ anyone who assumes on the information available that Prigozhin is dead, or that Prigozhin is alive, is a fool.

Doing what he did, and being who he was, you’d assume some kind of dead man switch would be part of the package. Hmmmm.


So… this is not like the Lil Tay situation?


Tay what you will . . . .


Ukraine Waving Flag GIFs | USAGIF.com


Before this did anyone really think marching on Moscow wasn’t going to be fatal unless Putin fell? To me the only surprising thing is that Prigozhin seems to have thought he could come to terms afterward. But we had already seen a lot of prominent Russians meet unfortunate accidents for a lot less.