Originally published at: 4-year-old snowboarder talking through her ride is pure delight | Boing Boing
Wonderful wonderfuness.
“I’m a stuck-o-saurus” at the end got me.
All blessings to you, child.
i’ve been singing that song when i go snowboarding now. also, “i’m a powdersaurus!”
That is cute and also makes me want to try snowboarding though I’m guessing my full grown falls might be more painful.
So adorable. My wife showed this to me yesterday, it’s gone quite viral.
In so many ways.
“I’m a Stucco-saurus!”
Did BoingBoing already post “Crazy Girl”, the other mic-ed up snowboarder (corr: she is skiing) tyke, yet? I can’t remember where I saw her first.
If not here she is, and her skills make Stuckosaurus look positively extinct!!
Oops, this isn’t a competition. I take that last part back.
Mic’d-up Kid Winter Olympics! It is the advertising opportunity of the future!
How freaking adorable!!!
“I’m a crazy girl!” Awe-inspiring.
Thanks, you just made an old man cry.
My first thought was, “Clearly, I had the wrong coach. That kid is awesome!”
That kid is my hero.
Go when there’s a few inches of powder. You’ll be falling mostly on your backside, and that helps. If there’s too much powder, you’ll probably get bogged down and will wear yourself out.
Awesome, little person.
to be fair, you’ll also be falling forward a lot, so you need to learn to fall so you don’t break your wrists. going when there’s fresh, soft(er) snow is helpful. thankfully, they make you wear a helmet now, too. when i learned, the helmets were optional, and holy crap i hit my head a LOT. i thought the term “seeing stars” was just because of the cartoons, but it turns out the cartoons and the phrase are based on real life. you CAN really see stars!
EDIT: i forgot to mention, i also love when that girl says, “whoops, heel slip!”
i know exactly what those feel like, haha.