5 dead and 5 police officers shot in Illinois mass shooting; gunman also dead

Party on Wayne (LaPierre)!


Yet again:


So… not a White perp, then?


See my previous reply.

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The employee said the shooter, after being given his layoff notice, went out to his car, got a gun and then came back inside and started shooting

Ah, yes. Another Responsible Gun Owner™ with a self-defense obsession who decided to immediately escalate to lethal vengeance when presented with a negative situation (I was going to say “at the slightest provocation”, but that would have implied that someone actually threatened him in any way).


Great to see our Aurora school district emergency alert system didnt work. Only found out about the shooting after the kids got home and said they had heard about it on snapchat. I’m sure the school district will send out their non-apology later. Thankfully the kids were nowhere near the incident.

ETA: i was mistaken about the location. Shooting was just outside my kids’ district, and district 129 did send warnings

Not every white guy who commits a mass shooting survives, but most of the ones who don’t never had any intention of making it out alive. The ones who want to surrender are usually given an opportunity to do so.

That option might go off the table if you shoot a cop though.


Maybe thats why the school didn’t react?

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I really intended that as an expression of disgusted resignation.

EDIT: To be clear, disgusted resignation with the situation, not with your question or you. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

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Wait! What? They’ve redefined “capture”???

Holy Angels is like right there.

Could be. The school district includes the area of the shooting though and with an evolving situation im surprised the school busses were released, given that some would pass close to the area.

ETA: i was mistaken about the location. Shooting was just outside my kids’ district, and district 129 did send warnings

Speaking of shootings in Aurora:


Just FYI, two different Auroras.

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Yeah, you’d think that by now Mexico would have built a wall to keep Americans out.


So. The funny thing is: there are people who come here to visit for vacation or for work, and they go shooting as much as they can, because they will never be allowed to handle firearms in their home countries.

I have known a few Indian guys like this, but am sure there are contingents of Europeans, Latin Americans, etc. as well.

Relatively speaking, most people should not burn too many cycles worrying about getting involved in a mass shooting. They are a problem in that the incidences of them are of a much higher rate than other places (but still rare). I am sure plenty of travelers are well aware of this.


Maybe that was the plan all along.

All this. It’s a surprisingly integrated place, racially and socially. I worry that given the race of the shooter and the officers, the national media focus is going to be on race. My bet is that it’s a more likely a workplace and financial desperation issue, and no one is going to consider it part of an economic story common to mid size working-class cities.


Whatever the specific issue, it is going to be eclipsed and totally forgotten by this time next week, because there will some other horrible shooting somewhere.