6 murdered in Colorado's worst gun massacre in 6 weeks

So apparently there was a school shooting somewhere in Russia in the past couple of days. After which Putin has demanded a review of gun control legislation. Now, he’s done this before- in 2018 - so it’s probably just for the appearance of action rather than anything concrete, but if Vladimir fucking Putin can do something, why can’t or doesn’t America?


Now that so many on the right value Putin’s friendship with 45, maybe Putin can finally get the US some reasonable gun control laws!

/s. I think. I can’t even tell anymore.


I mean, now that the NRA is essentially bankrupt, can we expect their stranglehold on the electorate to diminish?
I honestly don’t know.


I’d like to say yes, though what’s going to replace them? If Fox is being supplanted by OAN and the other even more rightward channels, the even more rightward NRA replacement is basically going to be advocating for vending machines that issue disposable guns to be placed on every street corner. I relish the NRA’s downfall while being terrified that the market demand continues to exist.


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