9/11 Truthers still not done

Every year they come out from under their rocks to piss on the graves of those who died. I try to ignore them, really I do, but in our age of the internets, it’s hard, they pick that day to be everywhere. Like all conspiracy nuts, they won’t accept any level of real evidence, or real science, as they have their incredibly twisted delusional versions of the truth to cling to, to try to make themselves feel superior and enlightened.


Never once have have two building ever been hit by two planes that size. Look - this isn’t the first time that something happened that went beyond the specs of what it was made for and we had to re-write how things work. (The Titanic should have been unsinkable.) Third building had damage from debris. These were not just fires, there was massive structural damage to all three.

I have yet to hear a single viable. theory that pans out with the truthers. I do have video evidence of planes hitting the towers. Occam’s Razor says that is the cause of their destruction.

Nearly all conspiracy relies on 2 things - unanswered questions (which are usually answered, they just don’t know or care about the answer) and faulty eye witness reports. Read some pop psychology books. Memory is plastic and incredibly fallible. A couple details are easy for a person to mix up.


I have always been a bit wary of believing 100% the official account.
USS Maine incident was hokey because it was so damn convenient for Teddy and his imperial dreams
the Lusitania was pretty believable
Pearl Harbor was realistic though there are the funny bits of warnings being ignored and the carriers all being out on exercises.
Korea was a land invasion after the US/south skipped the agreed upon elections, the trigger was a land invasion
Gulf of Tonkin was an obvious fake in 20-20 hindsight
9-11, well witnessed airtight story, but every reason to suspect a setup
Iraq invasion WMD was completely a set up

It is hard to have full faith in the story of a fading imperial war profiteering superpower.
What matters is that it happened and conspiracy theorizing wont change anything, even if turns out true it will not affect the lives of Americans or citizens of the world.


To live in the era of the internet and to actually say there are not troubling unanswered questions means willful blindness or denial.

And I don’t mean regarding steel or jet fuel or all the mechanical/physical oriented discussions people get bogged down in, but rather very relevant correlative facts surrounding the events.

There are so many! I’ll mention a few you must have heard: (i) why was every bit of debris from the WTC buildings, the Pentagon, or Shanksville immediately shipped to China? (ii) How could there be absolutely no evidence of bodies, seats, or plane wreckage at either WTC or Shanksville, yet a miraculous pristine passport of an alleged hijacker is found at WTC, and another passport of a hijacker in perfect condition, and a headband allegedly worn by a hijacker found at Shanksville? (iii) Why is there not any video evidence whatsoever of any of these hijackers boarding the planes? (iv) Why was all of the video surveillance tapes near and around the Pentagon confiscated by the FBI and never released (aside from maybe 15 frames from one single camera). Seriously, I could fill volumes with similar “oddities”…yet you still do not think they warrant any further questioning whatsoever? It’s a tendency of human nature to question things. Of course, fear can impede that tendency (fear of confronting reality (leading to cognitive dissonance), fear of being ostracized, etc.)



I read somewhere that a 737 crash was calculated for the WTC with promising results (i.e. building still standing). Not enough margin for the 50 % bigger 767, or so it seems.

Personally I’m more interested in the political implications of 9/11 leading to the Iraq war (and other War’s On Foo) and ignoring Saudi Arabia’s involvement (or at least citizenship of the hijackers).


The appeal of the conspiracy theory is simple. The theorist is in on a secret. He knows something that all others are too stupid or unaware to see. He is therefore smarter than all those who accept what their eyes and intelligence have shown them.

We can all cite examples where the official account has later been shown to be flawed or manipulated. It is this historical fact which can be used to cast doubt on EVERY event which is even slightly controversial. Those who fall down the rabbit hole of doubt find themselves somehow believing every detail of the conspiracy theory, while at the same time disbelieving every detail of the official account.

This is not an issue of fact versus fact. This is an issue of the psychological need to outwit everyone else, to be on the inside with special knowledge that others don’t have. It is this need that the peddlers of conspiracy theories exploit mercilessly. Sad, but true.


These creeps always want us to believe that the US government is incredibly qualified and incredibly sloppy at the same time.

I believe that the US government is unqualified, but opportunistic and took every advantage that this opened up for them. All the evil, none of the conspiracy. This is only trusting in our own incompetence (though really, we are neither omniscient nor all-seeing) and crassness. No conspiracy is needed to explain the horror of what happened. This is a sad opportunity for the conspiracists to look smug and superior, and do so at the expense of the dead. Thankfully they’ll disappear with the coming generations, like the moon hoaxers.


But there’s no “conspiracy” there, just fact. And they don’t feel special for dwelling on that!


Actually, it’s only the truthers who claim “melted steel in the rubble.”

“Molten material” was indeed found, but that doesn’t make it steel. Temperatures in the rubble were easily high enough for molten aluminum, which has a much lower melting temperature. The buildings contained plenty of aluminum - office furniture, wiring conduits, air ducts, etc.

“Molten material” could also be “molten plastic.” There would be plenty of that, just from the rugs and ceiling tiles alone.

And yes, the “evidence” of thermite was merely that two components of thermite were in the rubble: Aluminum and iron oxide. Which would be in the rubble regardless. Later the truthers tried to convince the gullible that paint chips were thermite.


There was a great South Park about this, that Bush and Cheney didn’t mind the truthers because it made the US government actually look competent at something and that nothing was out of their control.


And when evidence is presented, it is ignored and the original hypothesis is restated unshakingly and with no modification. You are not interested in learning. Only sophistry.


In the history of fuel-laden jumbo jets flying into skyscrapers, never once has such a building failed to collapse after the combined damage of the concussive force and burning jet fuel.


That merits clarification: never once has a steel-framed building collapsed

See - “unanswered questions”.

1 and 2) They sifted through all the wreckage before selling the scrap steel. They - found a ton of stuff from the towers and some of the stuff from the planes. 11 year later they still find stuff. 11 Years Later, Debris From Plane Is Found Near Ground Zero - The New York Times

The other two have answers too - see if you can find them on the intenets!


Yeah, I have been wondering about Saudi Arabia and how much they knew before the attack.

In the last what, 14 years they’re unquestioningly accepted and presented these fabrications as fact. And yet we’re the sheeple?

Wake up indeed.


There was no way to actually test that estimation until it happened. It’s not like it’s feasible to do crash tests for skyscrapers, so real world conditions tend to bring unexpected surprises.

One example: contrary to some claims, building engineers are well aware that fire can pose a structural risk to steel support beams. For that reason the supports in the WTC were sprayed with a fire-retarding insulation material. However, later tests showed that the impact of the planes themselves provided more than enough force to blast that material away, exposing the vulnerable steel beams to fire.


So you are disappointed with Boing Boing?


The same internet which poses those “troubling questions” has detailed, highly credible explanations addressing all of them. Of course that won’t make any difference if you’ve already made up your mind to disbelieve those explanations.