911 calls show aftermath of Gender Reveal IED

Famous Last Words:
“Hold my beer & watch this!”


When we were expecting our kid everyone wanted to know if we knew if it was going to be a boy or girl and if we were going to have a gender reveal party.

My answer was, “why? Babies all look alike when they’re first born anyways and it’s not gonna give a rat’s ass if it’s wearing the ‘wrong’ clothes.” I used to get such dirty looks with that answer.

The girl loves dresses and dolls, but loves powertools and helping me in the garage and around the house. I’m not about to start telling her what she IS now nor never…

People come up to me and ask me if she’s my little princess and if I’m going to be greeting dates at the door with a shotgun and I always reply that she’s not my property so i don’t treat her as such- this answer, too, elicits dirty looks!


Mostly illegal. There are two types of explosives that can be mailed with proper approval from a postal manager and the appropriate paperwork. 339 Packaging Requirements for Hazardous Materials | Postal Explorer

If the shipping address is in the US at all, it has to be private ground shipping. The USPS is generally opposed to explosives, but okay with bees and chickens.

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Great, now I’m on another watch-list. :roll_eyes:


Basically a hobbycraft kit fertilizer bomb.

Some people do use it to remove stumps. :roll_eyes:


A bunch of people buying crazy amounts of Tannerite … in Canada?! WTF? (The Canadian Tire buckets were a giveaway.) All this time I was thinking it was just an American thing.


It’s not tacky enough! I want glittery confetti vaginas and penises (not in the same selection). Imagine if you showered THAT all over the neighbourhood when your bomb went off!

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Well, there were those macbooks whose batteries would explode…

‘Crouchspawn’ is good, but there’s a better:

That ‘gender reveal’ crap has disgusted me since it began. The abuse the word ‘reveal’ has been experiencing is also awful.


One of the stories that stuck with me from Charles Berlitz’s World of Strange Phenomenon, is one involving a bullet stuck in a tree being blown out and striking its intended target decades later when the tree was filled with dynamite to remove.

Turns out it was probably a hoax story, or urban legend.


Although “possible explosion” is now a valid excuse for avoiding a baby shower.


It could be a shower of debris.


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