Well - that there is different than the original question. Going to the “Uptown Theater” for a concert, which happens to be owned by a racist, is a bit different than going to the “KKK Grand Oprey House”. Yeah, something named like that would give me pause.
ETA - note on the front page they just renamed Yale’s Calhoun College to something else - and Calhoun was “a Yale alum and notorious enslaver and advocate of slavery”.
Ironically, the band leader DID stay at a Trump property recently because that is what Priceline found as the cheapest (with a pool for the kid). He wasn’t super happy about it, but that is what you give up when you use priceline. I guess the consolation is they are doing so “well” that they are the best price on Priceline, and I am sure the people who work there are nice.
But again, I wouldn’t personally plan at event at this guys place. That would be your direct support. But if say a relative or friend had wedding reception there or a band I liked booked there, I would go.
Bands rarely set where they play directly. The tour managers do. And let’s be honest, they can’t do a background check for every podunk place they play at. Nor, if they were big time, if they went to one of the large venues with a board of directors and multiple investors, you’re guaranteed to have a racist some where in there. Especially in Alabama.
Going or not going is valid. I wouldn’t say it is superstitious or nonsense. I would acknowledge that it doesn’t matter one way or another. He got his money when whomever booked the event. So you aren’t really fighting the power - but if it makes you feel better, don’t go. Just don’t think about it too much, because, like I said, you can’t possibly do trade and buy things with out involving people you don’t like. Well - near impossible.
Hell, anything you buy from China supports their authoritarian regime. Many of our goods, especially soft goods from over seas, support child labor and harsh conditions. Diamonds and rare earth metals (the ones you use right now to read this) often come with blood on them. You can’t even enjoy a god damn candy bar with out thinking the Cocoa farmer may never have actually tasted chocolate.
So you can either remember all of this always, think that the world is awful, and it’s best to just stay home - or not.
Can you tell us the event? If it was a social function involving family, I’d be more likely to attend.