They might regret that. Those Lytros were discounted because they’re getting out of consumer cameras altogether. I wonder how long that website you apparently need to use to mess around with the pictures will stay up?
Couldn’t agree with you more. Veuve clicquot brut is damn good all around for the price. Dom from the right year can be better. Crystal can eat a bag of dicks.
Not unsympathetic. Twitter proves Sturgeon’s law that “ninety percent of everything is crap” wrong, because about 99.99999% of Twitter is crap. I just use it to follow updates from some of my favorite news sources and poke a few friends nearly as bonkers as I am. There are worse things, like Facebook (quit) and YouTube (never log-in). But yeah, I’m a social media skeptic as well. Besides, the vast majority of interesting “tweets” are stolen uncredited thoughts by people so contemptible and insecure that they plagiarize ideas not for material gain, not even for real-life reputation, but to get microscopic quanta of followers in an inconsequential arena.