The Universe Shouldn’t Exist, CERN Scientists Announce
BASE particle physicists have discovered a very precise way to examine antimatter.
Physicists WOULD say that, wouldn’t they, because they don’t want to take the blame!
I don’t believe them.
As much as I was amazed to see Obama elected, 2008 is when shit started to get fucking weird.
lots of fun links when you google CERN broke the universe
BASE particle physicists have discovered a very precise way to examine antimatter.
When particles are created, so are antiparticles, yet these antiparticles are not observable in our universe. Scientists may be one step closer to understanding why, writes Don Lincoln
SCIENTISTS at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, have admitted today to ending the world as we know it back in 2012, while performing experiments into the Higgs boson particle, WWN can confirm. Speaking at the research …
The BEST negotiator! A true master!:
It was the first time that Trump himself had explicitly defined what he meant by denuclearization directly to Kim.
The art of the deal in action. “First I butter him up, next I demand he concede everything. Negotiations are for chumps and LOSERS.”
In fairness, no matter what he did, the outcome would have been the same.
The art of the deal
Trump is trying to play You Disarm First with a guy who had all his male relatives killed
The BEST negotiator! A true master!:
I’m waiting for Trump to demonstrate and cement his fairy tale persona as deal master by secretly offering Kim – for his own personal use – whatever it takes for NK to de-nuke. It goes without saying that only losers use their own money for something like this… which is when Trump’s political allies start passing 'round the hat.
secretly offering Kim – for his own personal use – whatever it takes for NK to de-nuke
Kim will tell Trump that in order to de-nuke, all he needs from the US is a few nuclear ICBMs, and Trump will instruct Rick “Eliminate the DOE” Perry to set up a nice deal for some of our old hardware. Problem solved, and at a profit too. 5th-fucking-dimensional chess, FTW!
The Fart of the Deal.
An April Fool’s joke (about Trump, The Year-Round Fool) that escaped too early.
On Thursday night, the right-wing fringe website scored one of its biggest stories yet: an interview with Donald Trump Jr.
“Unfortunately, he did not have an opportunity to run a full FBI background check on each and every one,” she said.
Oh? And the FBI is Donald jr’s personal vetting service?
This American Life this weekend had a pretty good episode. It brought up this whole idea that Trump specifically appeals to the conspiracy theory constituency… that if you believ in a “globalist” plot to take over the world, everything Trump does is heroic. “America first!” closing the borders, opposing trade deals. opposing the European union and the UN and international cooperation in general. It’s all about protecting America from globalist domination. It’s insane, and it’s not true, but Trump is pandering to them.
Just a side observation: anyone else really starting to hate beards now that don Jr and Ted Cruz are sporting them? It’s like when preppy clothing brands started selling flannel shirts in the 90s. Well I think it’s worse than that. More like the coopting of the OK symbol. If the fascists are wearing beards now they are officially over.
Maybe related, 70’s era mustaches are making a comeback.
Recently have seen 20 and 30 something dudes sporting them in numbers in Colorado, Seattle, San Francisco.
I read this headline and took a guess at party affiliation.
Why am I damn near 100% on headlines like this? It is a mystery.
An Arizona state lawmaker who resigned this week has been accused of paying two boys under the age of 15 for sex in the 1980s.
Trump, The Year-Round Fool
The R’s keep nominating more and more ridiculous balloon-animal clowns
Who can they find next time to make Palin and Trump seem sensible and dignified by comparison?