A Cup of Coffee (1980) Mormon anti-coffee short

nah, i got that, too. just having a bit of fun. but from a perspective outside the church, i think the interpretation [quote=“SpunkyTWS, post:16, topic:72229, full:true”]
Think about the implications of the story. Having an addiction is bad. Enabling someone else’s addiction is totally okay.

is totally valid, though. to my mind this does not negate the intended positive message you outline. giving people the benefit of the doubt and not jumping to conclusions is wise, but is it not also wise to be introspective about double standards concerning gentiles? perhaps again, there are church standards that are assumed here, but without knowing them, it comes off as sort of flippant


eh, that’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t thing. Refuse to help a fellow out by grabbing a coffee? judgemental prick. Help someone out by snagging a cup of coffee for them? You filthy enabler. It’ll always be a double standard if you want to look at it that way, but lets be real, it’s only decent to get the poor lady who has trouble getting around some coffee even if according to your beliefs drinking that coffee is sinful. right?


Would take 2 cups of coffee for kids to lose respect of me!!

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I remember LDS advertising in the 80s just being insane. Anybody remember this gem?

(fun fact: the kid is Alfonso Ribeiro)

ETA: After looking at the YouTube channel in the article and doing some cursory YouTube searches – holy crap. I know a lot of Mormons, and I always knew that LDS as an organization was pretty media savvy. However, the sheer amount of marketing that they have done over the years just boggles the mind.


It’s a good thing they didn’t excommunicate her before finding out the coffee was just for some non-believer.


I’m told (by a former coworker, who’s an LDS) that the guy who played the older brother from Back to the Future (Marc McLure I guess?) was in one of these films. His character had a hard time with his peers because he played the bassoon. A popular kid confronted him, “aren’t you that guy who plays the balloons?” But he stuck to his guns, er, bassoon.

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Wow, thanks!

conceded : )

I was incredulous, but you tell the truth!


@frauenfelder, this has been a great thread, thanks for posting the Coffee vid!


you have no idea how screwed up mormonism is. This video is just a sampling of the crazy

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The two little brown shirts might report her to the Bishop for giving coffee to someone else!


I’m dying for a cup.

I’m prepared for ultimate flavor.


I watched that whole awkward mess, and I came away frustrated. What was the lesson? What was the moral of the story? What happened next? Where can I get that amazing shirt he was wearing in the end? Did Joe see the light and go out with Becky? Was the orange crop actually good?

So many questions. Worse ending than The Force Awakens. :frowning:


This reminds me:

I’ve been listening to the God Awful Movies podcast, and maybe they can branch out from protestant-produced religous movies into stuff like this too!


It’s a podcast run by the same guys who do The Scathing Atheist and The Skepticrat podcasts, and they are an hilarious bunch of fuckers.


This seemed more like a pro-coffee ‘short’ Nearly two minutes in and I needed a cup.


He was also Boris, the boyfriend next door in Freaky Friday!!

And don’t forget Jimmy Olson!

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To me, the best part was when the video ended and YouTube suggested I might like to watch Motörhead’s “I Ain’t No Nice Guy” next.