A&E calls off "Duck Dynasty" hiatus

oh, so its… television?

It’d be nice if you had some history of the struggle for Gay Rights.

Nobody ever had their rights handed to them without organization, and you can fuck right off with demanding submission for any minority group.

If you actually wanted equality for gays, you wouldn’t add these massively pigheaded caveats about all those greedy gays who want to be treated like humans.


Who says I don’t? Because I didn’t cite it ad nausium, Mausium?

The most amazing thing about this whole episode is that, somehow, Phil Robertson’s opinions on things somehow fucking matter a lot.


The context of your argument that gays are whiny and need to shut up. Your use of and concern with the “homosexual agenda”.

All these indicate you have little knowledge of the struggle for gay rights.

Either way, you’re on the wrong side of history if you’re tone trolling persons who are legitimately annoyed with bigots in society.


Are we supposed to be accepting of his hate speech? Are we just supposed to ignore it and hope it all goes away?

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Have you ever watched the show? Do you think his opinions in an interview will figure in to the show?

Also, do you think your being offended is going to change the mind of the fans who’ve decided to engage in slacktivism and change their FB and other social media avatars to pictures of Phil Robertson?

I really don’t care that some white trash redneck hates gay people. You know what I care about?

Arts & Entertainment: Duck Dynasty, American Hoggers, Barter Kings, Beyond Scared Straight, Rodeo Girls, Flipping Boston, Flipping San Diego, Flipping Vegas, Sell This House: Extreme, Storage Wars, Storage Wars New York, Storage Wars Texas

**The Learning Channel: **90 Day Fiance, Bakery Boss, Cake Boss, Friday Bride Day, Outrageous 911, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Long Island Medium, My 600lb Life, Sex Sent Me To The ER, Say Yes to the Dress, My Five Wives, 19 Kids and Counting, Extreme Cheapskates, Say Yes to the Dress Bridesmaids, My Teen is Pregnant and So Am I

The Discovery Channel: Fast N Loud, Gold Rush, Street Outlaws, Moonshiners, Bearing Sea Gold, Dude You’re Screwed, Yukon Men, Amish Mafia, Bar Hunters,

The Science Channel: Punkin Chuckin’, An Idiot Abroad, Scam City, Oddities, Oddities San Francisco

We are literally three inches from “Ow My Balls”, and people are more concerned with the idea that one of the idiots said something idiotic, than they are that we’ve turned our most powerful medium over to idiots.

For fuck’s sake, we’re giving television shows to people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. You don’t throw the town drunk on stage and then act all shocked that he pukes on his shoes.


How about the near-complete lack of sci-fi on SyFy?


Some people are all for the witch hunts, until the witch hunt comes for them. Humans are funny that way.

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Then most of the people you know who objected are fucking idiots.

I’m sure this moron won’t mind me standing outside his church picketing it with signs saying that their and all religion is made-up bullshit that you’d have to be a simpleton to accept as real. After all, he and his supporters are all about the free speech, right?


Pirate it.

That’s just sad. And kinda false advertising.

Honey Boo Boo on the Learning Channel, that’s a whole 'nother travesty.

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I love how they’re “pro gay” but only in the abstract sense that they don’t want to be viewed as shitty people… until they realize that they are responsible for their speech and behavior in public and it chills them.


Yeah, who’da thought holding people to the idiocy they spout would ever happen? Getting even is fun because this asshole has a platform and audience for his shit opinions and A&E reinstating him will validate it for others as an acceptable position to hold. All those individuals need to know that we’ve had enough of their shit and we tolerate (and assist with tax-free status) their fucking stupid beliefs. Religious belief is a thing that can be changed whereas homosexuality is not, so you’ll forgive me for having absolutely no compassion for hate-mongering millionaires who play dress-ups as rednecks.

I’d laugh if I saw a bus run down this guy.

[mod edit: removed ableist slur]

No, I agree entirely with Mausium which would make the use of ‘we’ appropriate.

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Ladies and gentlemen: tolerance.

No… fuck that. Religious power has brandished the stick of intolerance for so long and now they’re pissed when they’re on the receiving end? Good luck. The increasing irrelevance of religion (sorry man, I know your beliefs) couldn’t make me happier and the fact that religion is now preaching tolerance in order to protect themselves makes me laugh.

This is a battle that has been thousands of years in the making and I don’t plan on being gentlemanly about it now that the secular have the upper hand: it’s time for payback for all the unimaginable hurt, suffering and violence that religion has brought the world.

Some of the most hateful, misogynist things I’ve ever heard uttered, and some of the most hateful, misogynist behavior I’ve seen, was from a gay man. We’re not talking about being disrespectful because ew, icky, girls; we’re talking downright hateful because women have vaginas and are therefore disgusting, foul creatures unworthy of being treated like human beings. Talk to women, and you’re sure to find other people who say the same. Should we cheer if these gay men are run down by buses, then?