Originally published at: A fed-up bison sends a rude tourist to the ground at Yellowstone (video) | Boing Boing
To be fair, this was clearly in a developed area and the presence of the bison seemed to catch people by surprise (though it shouldn’t have). It’s possible people weren’t taking it as seriously as they might have because they weren’t in a “wild” area, but it did seem like once people were aware, they were trying to get out of the way.
They also need a “do not pet the bears” and “do not put your child on a bear for a photo op,” because those are also things people have done in Western US parks… or at least tried to do.
Yeah, that dude looks like he got kind of fucked up. I’m all for watching a moron truly harassing an animal get their comeuppance, but this doesn’t seem to be that.
Eh, those folks should have cleared the area well before it ever got that close. We saw this gawking, no-respect-for-nature behavior in person when we visited Yellowstone years ago. People think 5 feet and standing near a car door makes them invincible…
See that the cow has got massive shoulders… run like fuck!
The first time I went to Yellowstone was a family trip when I was about seven years old but I clearly remember one incident where traffic was backed up because a herd of bison were hanging out by the side of the road and a bunch of tourists were getting out of their cars to mill about to take pictures with them.
One image that got burned in my memory was some middle-aged tourist who was not only standing right next to a bull bison that was resting on the ground but also gently prodding it with his foot. That was the moment it truly sunk in to my brain that adults can be profoundly stupid.
Maybe he was just trying to guage the aesthethic appeal of a bison’s scrotum?
do bison have “cute privilege”?
do bull bison have attractive scrotes?
Bison have large horns, massive bulk, surprising bursts of speed, and an expanded ‘personal space.’ Investigating close up is not recommended.
eta: I periodically watch the live feeds from the Old Faithful Webcam. Sometimes I see bison mosey through the area, often between tourists waiting for Old Faithful to go off and the geyser. The tourists seem to assume that being on the boardwalk confers some type of immunity if the bison decides to disagree with their presence; I rarely see them moving away from the potentially aggressive ton of meat on the hoof.
oh, yes! it is known. (apparently not by “tourons”. they will FAFO.)
but dey fuzzy widdle bollocks!
Your def of “fuzzy widdle bollocks” varies from mine
Yeah, they definitely should have cleared the area, but that dude was standing behind a barrier (probably useless against a bison, though) and looked elderly. He was trying to move, but may have mobility issues. I’m all about the videos of people in Pamplona getting a bullhorn up their ass, but an older dude who’s trying to get out of the way and finds himself pinned against a railing just isn’t my cup of tea.
Holy cow!
It is a shame the festival is so cruel; but then I guess it is in line with bull fighting in general.
At least the bullls get a brief moment to level the field before… you know.
God, I can’t believe that’s still going on.
That “tourons” account has some amazing videos.
Seems right since people have invaded bisons’ space for centuries.