A Gallery of Trump-Inspired Assholes (Part 3)

bUt v4nCe iZ mAkiNg st0riEz to gEt tHe meDiA To p4y 4tTenTiOn to P0oR n3glEcTed aMeRic4n p3ople!!! /s



There were a series of these in the UK in August aimed at Muslim immigrants, although the corporate media seems to prefer not to discuss them.




Everything is worse with Libertarians.

Even Twitter X. And that’s an achievement for the ages.


They’re a bunch of far-right tr0lls masquerading as a state political party. Even other Libertarians regularly disavow them, which shows you how obnoxious they are.

Since 2020, the party has received coverage in the press for controversial, far-right, and antisemitic statements made by its Twitter account.

This is the arsehole who seems to be behind the various Xits the party takes on the platform.


Last year they xitted out the Fourteen Words, changing one word.

A lot of Americans seem to believe that the Second Amendment confers a constitutional right to overthrow the government. The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire actually said it.


“What’s my point?” he continued. “If a middle-aged, middle-class housewife thinks that she has the right or the license to speak that way to other people in public, and wants to take my freedom away from me—anybody in this country now thinks they can say anything the hell they want to anybody, anywhere.”

Telling someone to go back to prison isn’t taking away their freedom. If Navarro is that thin-skinned, he shouldn’t have gone into politics.

Marilyn Monroe Dipshit GIF


He forgot that he is supposed to believe in “free speech”.


Free speech doesn’t apply to women- especially if they’re not wealthy.


I don’t know, man. His slide into fascist lickspittledom appears quite organic to me.


Yep. It’s right there in his description of the woman. She needs to have a “license to speak.”

Apparently, Dump and Leon have that white, wealthy man’s license.


I submit that it’s even simpler than that: he believes that all people have the right to free speech.

Anyone to whom the epithet “uppity” can be applied is not really a person.


# GOP senator insults Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing


Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) told an Arab American witness that she should “hide [her] head in a bag” after repeatedly asking her if she supported Hamas and Hezbollah during a Tuesday congressional hearing.

“You should hide your head in a bag,” Kennedy told Maya Berry, the executive director of the Arab American Institute, who was adamant she did not support Hamas or violence by any group.

Berry said she found the line of questioning “exceptionally disappointing.”

“I think it’s exceptionally disappointing that you’re looking at an Arab American witness before you and saying, ‘You support Hamas,'” she said.

Berry testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee alongside witnesses from the National Jewish Advocacy Center and Bard Center for the Study of Hate. The conversation touched on antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate, specifically on college campuses.

“You support Hamas, do you not?” Kennedy asked Berry.

“Oddly enough, I’m going to say thank you for that question because it demonstrates the purpose of our hearing today,” she said, before he interrupted, asking for a yes or no answer.

“Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support,” Berry said. “But you asking the executive director of the Arab American Institute that question very much puts the focus on the issue of hate in our country,” she said.

Kennedy then asked if she supported Hezbollah.

“Again, I find this line of questioning extraordinarily disappointing,” Berry said.

After the exchange between Berry and Kennedy, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), chair of the committee, allowed Berry to respond.

“Senator Durbin, thank you very much for holding this hearing and for elevating the issue of hate crime. It’s regrettable that I, as I sit here, have experienced the very issue that we’re attempting to deal with today,” she said.

“This has been regrettably a real disappointment but very much an indication of the danger to our democratic institutions that we’re in now,” she added.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a statement denouncing Kennedy’s treatment of Berry at the hearing, noting that other GOP senators also took a harsh tone toward Berry.

“Maya Berry went before the committee to discuss hate crimes. Both Ms. Berry and the topic should have been treated with the respect and seriousness they deserve,” Robert McCaw, government affairs director at CAIR, said in a statement.

“Instead, Sen. Kennedy and others chose to be an example of the bigotry Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims have faced in recent months and years.”

The Hill contacted Kennedy’s office for comment.


Injured Cyclist Briefly Regains Consciousness To See RFK Jr. Dragging Him Into Kitchen


Eighteen days after battling a fever, Suto would be dead in a hotel room in Florida, not from sickness, but rather hemolytic anemia due to toxicities of inhaled and intravenous hydrogen peroxide, according to an independent autopsy.