A.I. visions of HR Giger's Dune (video)

Originally published at: A.I. visions of HR Giger's Dune (video) | Boing Boing


On a scale from 1 to 10, the creep factor here is a 12. Definitely would watch.


Crom, that was good.

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Next somebody will give us AI visions of David Lynch’s Dune. /s


Ummm…nope. Not the Dune I personally want to see. I want sophisticated, simple, efficient design for anything related to the Fremen.

Maybe the dark, shadowed guy for a Sardaukar? Maybe a ship or 2? the Baron in the last image could be pretty cool with a bit more sophistication and apparent wealth shown.

But the rest? PURE designer-itis. Almost fractal in the layering of superfluous detail and useless trinket.

Now, if they ever made Species 9 - Back To Space? this is ALL they need… :slight_smile:


I agree.
My thought was “damn. Sand would get EVERYWHERE in that suit.”


star wars GIF


Heck, I thought that about the stilsuits for The most recent one… All those straps and flaps, and open cuffs for the sleeves, boots neckline, and gloves… Eeeessshhh…

… But ANY of these designs? INSTANT 35 pounds heavier by merely walking outside in a slight breeze… :slight_smile:


… like every Giger painting ever :gear:

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Also, at least one of the images clearly showed an android. It seems in this universe, they have gotten over the Butlerian Jihad.


Recently took in the Memory: The Origins of Alien - (historical expose on the creators of that film, primarily O’Bannon and Giger), in which due credit is given to the legacy of the Jodorosky Dune effort. Very illuminating to hear some of Giger’s compatriots reveal aspects of his early inspirations - including an early museum visit, ties together aspects of this arc. Well worth the watch.


None of this looks much like Dune, or Giger, to me. I see washed out versions of the lost Cronenberg space opera from a few months ago. The Giger-ish AI creations really need to have the anti-sex shackles removed to start getting the flavor right. Not a penis in sight here!


Nobody seems to know if the two big sci-fi O’Bannons are related to each other

Dan O’Bannon : Are Dan and Rockne S. O’ Bannon related???

I would have guessed “yes” based on some vague similarities between Alien and Farscape but really the answer is probably no


Jeri Ryan?

Oh, from the sand instead of the water. Yeah.

Exactly. Doing HR Giger without genitalia or viscera isn’t Giger. All you have left are vertebrae. It needs to glisten more, give off more of a feeling of decay and grey, colorless, metallic inhumanism.

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