A Jewish lawmaker, one of Wyoming's few elected Democrats, convinces a Republican supermajority to reject a ban on Critical Race Theory

Good on Schwartz!
Honestly, if we’re going to posit that no one should experience “discomfort or distress” while learning this history, it seems just as valid that we could enshrine in law that no one can experience “glee, pride, nostalgia or self-satisfaction” around learning any of this tragic history.
If we’re going to enshrine one set into law, let’s do both!


Have to admit, I LOL’ed at the Star of David!


I put $$ into one of those “fund the sequel” bullshit web projects to get us some more HH


How many students need to have a feeling before we can strike something from the curriculum? Seems like a great way to reduce your exam content.

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“They came for the right wing extremists…That’s it. Everything got better after that”


What’s wrong with being uncomfortable?
I feel uncomfortable when I deadlift but I feel better because I do it. Have people lost this wisdom entirely?


To somebody like Cheney, Trump is a threat, a wild card who could do anything

Trump’s isolationism is bad for business, and Trump doesn’t give a shit about Halliburton

The Cheneys were on Team Bush, and Team Bush was very good for the Cheneys—and Trump was the single worst thing to ever happen to the Bush dynasty that wasn’t self-inflicted


it’s not really about being uncomfortable

that’s just a pretext

it’s about how children must not be exposed to anything that undermines white supremacy


Just how TF do they intend to teach History at all, then?
Wars, Plagues, Disasters, etc… all of history is a neverending tale of woe & if you don’t feel ‘discomfort or distress’ from learning about it, then you aren’t learning much.

I won’t be a bit surprised when one of these yahoos, somewhere, proposes a bill to outlaw teaching anything that isn’t in their bible. This guy isn’t far from that sort of thing:
They want to ban teaching about anything in Oklahoma
Standridge… has now brought forward an even more sweeping, clearly unworkable and unconstitutional bill that would prohibit schools from employing any

person that promotes positions in the classroom or at any function of the public school that is in opposition to closely held religious beliefs of students.

The new bill, Oklahoma SB 1470, could pretty much be deployed to silence any public school teacher

gods… where do these people come from?


Aw man, I haven’t seen that movie since it came out. It was quite good! A twist on the 70s actions flicks.

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This, all of this, and only this. This is everything that matters to them, and anything that could lead their children to view the lesser thans as fully human must be suppressed.


Star of David? That ought to be a ninja thing. I was expecting a ninja thing…

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That would involve these “Christians” actually reading their holy book to understand and improve themselves, not reading to find ammunition to use against their “enemies”… Two wholly different things.


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