A religious gentleman takes over a plane with his Christian preaching (video)

May as well give up. There nothing you can do. It’s always good news for John McCain.



Reason #32767 not to fly anymore.


Well, if women and Muslims and other minorities would just quit complaining about obnoxious or illegal behavior that, if they did themselves they’d be viciously attacked for, then obviously it wouldn’t happen as much.
Since the right gets off on “owning the libs,” it’s obvious our only logical reaction to their egregious behavior is to just ignore it. Because that has historically always worked quite well.


These fervent “christians” tend to have real problems with the direct commands of their demigod. Look at how many are divorced and remarried despite Jesus’s direct prohibition.

Or the one from Pail I think prohibiting full time priests who live entirely off their “flock”.

Although for real fun, point out first generation christians (as well as Jesus and his panhandling crew) were communists in the purest sense and Acts even includes something close to “From each according to their ability and to each according to their needs” used by Marxism.


I did something like that on a cross country flight. Back before a single male offering to do this would start people screaming “pedophile!”.

Long flight and she needed a break. She looked at me like I had just freed her from chains. Felt good to be nice. Babies are not generally my “thing”.

I give off a lot of body heat and learned a trick of patting babies in a heartbeat rhythm that seems to soothe a lot of them and had him asleep on my shoulder in about five minutes so she could relax for an hour or so.



Just 2 days ago I said “Fuck you” to another customer at a store. It immediately made me the bad guy (I am a woman in my 60s).

I was explaining my poor customer experience to a manager, and a woman in line said loudly and sarcastically “everyone else understood it!” After she said it the third time, I said “fuck you,” Loudly but dispassionately. Once.

The manager told me to stop. Treated me like a hair-trigger explosive.

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Ah, thanks. I was trying to think of a text to stand up and read. I can be quite loud and emphatic.

Monsters Inc Thats Nice GIF


Sure as hell doesn’t make it right. I was awakened from a sound sleep on a long flight when the pilot came on the speaker to announce mid-game scores from some sports-ball thing.

I pressed my call button and told the flight attendant that this was inappropriate. I received an “apology” that was more dripping in sarcasm than any other in my 66 years. (If I ever fly again, I’ll have my phone ready to record, but this was years ago.)

Off-topic by the way: I have a friend who was a courier for life-saving time-critical transplant organs (they give a cooler to a volunteer and pay for a commercial flight). Did you know that the pilot can reject that carry on for no reason at all? It happened to my friend, and he had to wait for a later flight (5 hours later).


I have absolutely no qualms about ignoring them, or really anyone else, in a rude way when they annoy me. “Oh, I’m sorry, you seem to have interpreted my greeting as an invitation to conversation. I assure you it was not. I’m going to put on my headphones now; with luck the good people in South Africa will also have headphones and will similarly not have to listen to you.”


I did ask, “you know there are already Christians in Africa, right?” They seemed surprised.


I once got approached by two Mormons in Ireland who asked if I wanted to talk about Jesus. I responded “yes but not right now”

It was bad timing on their part as I was on my way to my local pub.


I’m sure these “missionaries” in the OP were equally surprised to discover that Ukrainians are largely Orthodox Christians. ::sadtrombone::

Arrogance kinda covers why Evangelicals show up places where they are worse than useless, but they have profound ignorance, completely self-inflicted, of the very real space the rest of us inhabit.


This kind of “we’re going to bring Christianity to the world” has a weird “Manifest Destiny” kind of thing to it. It’s more of a “we’re going to bring American Christianity to the world” kind of thing. Even if they know there are Christians, it’s not the right kind of Christianity.

As for the kids, they’ve been indoctrinated. They know not what they do. And I seriously doubt the scales can be lifted.


Who may as well be muslims. That’s scary immigrant Christianity. Time to convert them to good ole white American Christianity! /s


Exactly. That some of them attack Catholics for that reason always surprises me:


In the winter, every time that “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” song comes on I cringe. First off, why would you reserve your acts of kindness to one season, and second, you should be able to help feed people without making it about your religious holiday :woman_shrugging:t2: