A round up of Trumpian events 🖕🍊🤡

I’m sure this plays well with the evangelicals.


20 percent of Twitter bots that were engaged in spreading propaganda against Emmanuel Macron during the recent French presidential election had been used to spread misinformation in favor of Donald Trump last year during the U.S. elections.

“Account usage patterns suggest the possible existence of a black-market for reusable political disinformation bots.”


He’s on the list.


Some people whose personal information was exposed in the DNC email leaks have filed suit against the Trump campaign and Roger Stone. Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare thinks this will survive motion to dismiss and lead to significant discovery.


Jeff Sessions wants police to take more cash from American citizens

Terrible news, delivered with a well written headline,.



Sue, baby, SUE.

I hope the suit stands.


How else are they going to pay for all those body cams? /s


Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Chinese, Russians, Russians, Cubans, North Koreans, Russians, Russians, Russians, Russians, Dennis Rodman, Russians, Russians, …


Aren’t judges bound by legal ethics? When you call yourself a judge, aren’t you implicitly promising to act in accordance with various codes of professional responsibility?

*opens web page*
“46 pages? yeah fuck that…”
*starts reading*
*46 pages later*
“Holy shitballs!”

This is a very cleverly crafted suit. If this survives initial motions this could very well end up being the spark that finally brings down Trump and his merry band of assholes.

I find the parallels with the Paula Jones case to be very interesting. Jones accused Clinton of sexually harassing her, and this eventually uncovered the Lewinsky affair and we all know how that turned out. If you set aside all of the politics, you end up with Clinton being a shitty husband and person, lying about it, and getting caught.

Compared with this lawsuit which basically alleges a conspiracy between American political operatives and foreign interests to defraud the entire American democratic process… well, as inimitable Jules Winfield says:

Ain’t the same fuckin’ ballpark, it ain’t the same league, it ain’t even the same fuckin’ sport.


JFC. Just when you think 45’s administration couldn’t possibly get more criminal, they go and get more criminal.


This is a good time for police tactical property appraiser job openings.


With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime.

Well, but you see, if they were criminals then Jeff Sessions wouldn’t let them keep the proceeds of their, ahem, activities.

Additionally, many states allow law enforcement officers to keep cash that they seize, creating what critics characterize as a profit motive.

Even critics agree, it’s not criminal, it’s a “profit motive!” Just more super-great capitalism. The criminals pay for law enforcement and the tax payer gets a break. No more socialist police forces in this America. You’re welcome.

The practice is widespread: in 2014, federal law enforcement officers took more property from citizens than burglars did. State and local authorities seized untold millions more.

but from criminals. You can tell they’re criminals because the police took their money.


Depends, like with immigration cases:

They’ve apparently decided to abandon all pretense at this point.


Proof of Trump’s nearing universal disapproval, Fox News has taken a hard turn into “fluff piece” country - well Fox fluff pieces involving finding new foreigners to harass publicly with little evidence or proof.


Scrambling for something for their base to scream about so they won’t notice that their representatives just said F U to them by way of letting health care go to waste.

Somebody should tell him that “Gypsies” have been in the US for a very long time. Unfortunately, the only time we hear about them where I live is when a bad bunch occasionally blow thru town scamming folks on various home improvement projects usually involving driveway refinishing. They are not the only ones who do so but get press non the less.


And then there are the Irish Travelers.


Five seconds of research would tell Fox that calling Romani “gypsies” is as bad as any other racial slur you can think of. In other words, they’re being intentionally offensive to a small group of people because they know they can get away with it.


And Cher can too.

(Dig that hair. Damn!)

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