No (to spell out the obvious), they’re upset because again and again, she spoke the truth.
Put some lipstick on
At least your lies will be pretty
A shadow on my face
And us donkeys wake up weary
Hello President Pence?
few seem to look at Trump’s situation from his perspective as a former corporate mover-and-shaker. In that world, a resignation is never unusual when a new CEO or senior executive recognizes early on that the job is a bad fit. High-powered, successful careers have narrow windows of opportunity or much longevity. They merely call up a head-hunter or drop a discreet hint in their network that they’re “looking” for something more challenging and rewarding. Like those executives, Trump has been signaling for months he wants out and the sooner the better. In his view, dozens of practical reasons exist for returning to his sphere of knowledge and influence.
“41 Good Reasons Trump May Be Mulling for Resigning Now While He’s Still Ahead”
13 of the questions, as reported by The Times, actually do ask about possible collusion.
A rule of thumb for him seems to be, “Just say whatever’s on your mind. Hell, it won me the presidency, why wouldn’t it keep working?”
So, not stolen off the White House grounds, and not ordered removed by Trump in a fit of temper.
California’s 2018 U.S. Senate election attracted nationwide attention in April 2018, not long after the publication of a poll showing that little-known Republican and committed neo-Nazi Patrick Little had 18 percent of support among likely primary election voters, second to incumbent Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein with 39 percent.
Those dastardly French at it again I see:
The WH is so bad at PR.
“OK, time to quarantine that tree before permanently planting it.”
“You mean the French tree taken from a WW1 battleground? The one that the American and French Presidents symbolically planted on the White House lawn as a symbol of friendship? The one that people all over the world saw photos of them planting?”
“That’s the one. Let’s just rip it up during the night when nobody’s looking and quarantine it.”
“Yeah, I’m sure nobody will notice it’s missing for a couple of months. No need to mention anything. Surely nobody will make any assumptions.”
I assumed it had just evolved legs and run away in embarrassment.
Could be a while. Investigating Giuliani alone might be a show stopper.
Well now.
The law firm of Williams & Connolly confirmed that Flood was leaving to join the White House staff.
Flood’s law firm, Williams and Connolly, represents Hillary Clinton, including in the email scandal, one possible reason that sources told Reuters last year the firm turned down representing Trump as outside counsel.
Because of course
My daughter and I both guffawed when we heard that this morning. My very smart kid said “does that mean Trump thinks he might be impeached”? I said, “we’ll see!”
“At least one phone call between a phone line associated with Cohen and the White House was intercepted, a source said.”
Edit: NBC retracts claim.
Scott Walker, everybody’s favorite union-busting cheesehead shitbird, appears to be trying to bribe the good people of Wisconsin into re-electing him. Residents will soon be able to go online and get a $100 tax rebate for each of their children. I think they should take that money and use it to offset the cost of taking a day off of work to go vote for his opponent.
Elsewhere on the web, Esquire reports that Scott Walker and Scott Pruitt (i’m horking a little just writing those two names so close together) are teaming up to relax air pollution standards in a way that is favorable to Foxconn.
Blechh. I’m going to buy a bottle of scotch on my way home.
Russiagate enthusiasts still rolling along…
Well, that may well explain why he’s so grumpy all the time.
shrugging gif
How expected.