A supermarket employee shames a woman for her very normal clothing

I totally agree with you but my point really is that the S*n is a horrible, sexist, misogynistic publication. They could have grabbed a shot of her trousers but I don’t for a minute believe they didn’t think about the sexiness aspect of it.


You are absolutely right, but alas the S*n was the only other place I could find any articles about this, certainly with any details that Yahoo! didn’t have. (Not that there were a lot of those.)


All UK supermarkets that I am aware of have staff in company-provided ‘uniform’. Typically a specifically coloured and branded polo shirt and black trousers. Often a similarly coloured and branded fleece top. Sometimes a specifically patterned shirt and coloured/branded apron.

Security staff in UK supermarkets (where they have them - not all do) dress like security staff do the world over.

Supermarket staff dress in ‘civvies’ in the US? How do customers find them when they need help?

Or were you under the impression this video was a local/small/independent ‘grocery’ store? It was a national supermarket chain.

Since this? (Website will not resolve - use link)

Tesco ban on shoppers in pyjamas

That story was about an incident in Cardiff. Although in another case, in Manchester, it was defended as being part of their culture.

It was a storm-in-a teacup, slow-press-day scandal for about five minutes a few years back, over here, and crops up again every now and again when lazy journos find another ‘shock horror probe’ report of someone appalled at seeing pyjamas outside a bedroom. At one time it was onesies, too.


Too bad for them. Ralphs gets all the awesomeness instead.



Yeah Asda workers are dressed more like power rangers than cops


Hear, hear!
When I first saw this story, I also thought, “huh, I bet he wouldn’t have a problem with a man, or even a woman with a different body type, wearing the same thing.”
I fecking hate this stuff, when men try to make women responsible for their reactions to seeing us. If you can’t handle it, stay home. Learn some self control. :rage:


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