It’s a rhetorical question brought to you by the Tailgaters Lives Matters movement. Won’t someone think of the impatient?
I love how the dog looks back over its shoulder at the crashing truck, as if to say “WTF was that all about?”.
It was just a question I had.
Okee dokee. But I can’t read that car’s speedometer any more easily than you can…
Can we talk about amazing cakes instead?
we have a thread for that…
I got a sugar headache just looking at that. Waiting for my teeth to start falling out next.
The dog was damn lucky it was moving to the left rather than the right. The other direction and it would have been toast.
If it was, it clearly wasn’t by much - this is obviously a residential road, so lower speed limits, and the car behind was going fast enough to lose control.
That cake looks completely gross - which probably makes it perfect for kids.
sweet karma, you always come when least expected
I’d bet that cake is a lie.
It’s…it’s…it’s like someone took a Hallmark Movie of the Week and made it edible.
I like how the car just keeps on driving, and doesn’t even stop to rubberneck at the crash.
I think he is trying to say nobody ever tailgates, and if they do it’s totally justified because hey moron you know how to find the gas pedal? However, this does not solve the dingo problem.
I guess gaters gotta gate, and dingoes gotta dingo!
Are you saying that it is made out of almost the same thing as the previous week’s cake?
Given the choice of an saving an innocent animal or asshole tailgaters there isn’t even a contest
And the car in front was going slow enough to stop if necessary. Which is good.
The animal is walking at a leisurely pace when it appears from behind the car. The driver in front was probably already slowing down before hitting the brakes.
Completely amazing construction, but i think that, even if i liked cakes, i would hate eating this one. It’s just too much.
Residential, on a bend, 50kph would be about right. Slower with wildlife on the road.
Asshole ute driver got exactly what they deserved. [quote=“milliefink, post:24, topic:84494”]
Can we talk about amazing cakes instead?
My school of cake decoration, that. Put all the sugary stuff on top of all the other sugary stuff.
And this is why we can’t have nice things…