A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 2)

This stupid country does not give two shits about women and children…



What?! Not even inpatient psychiatric treatment for at least a few months?! For the attempted murder of his wife and minor children!!!

And this. Grrrrrr.

Patel does not pose a danger to the community because he will be under an intensive psychiatric treatment program, as well as monitored with a GPS bracelet equipped with a siren, Bentley said.

his diagnosis of major depressive disorder played a significant role in his actions.

That is just fucked. People with untreated major depression do commit suicide. But someone attempting homicide is absolutely a danger to the public. He is using his depression as an excuse and it enrages me.

Sure. He probably won’t get any benefit out of going to jail. No one does. He certainly won’t get treatment there. But he needs to go to inpatient treatment at a secure hospital for the safety of his family.


But they don’t matter. Didn’t you read? They’re just a woman and children.


Season 1 Episode 4 Yes GIF by Paramount+

I’m not bitter or anything…
Anyone who works with children will, absolutely predictably, be the lowest paid in their fields. Be that teaching, healthcare, you name it, the younger the client/patient, etc, the lower the value placed upon the work. And, of course, the more likely that the provider of said work will be a woman. Not that there is a connection here or anything. (/s)


How many women in the throes of a mental health crisis have harmed their kids, and how much sympathy do they get? I don’t buy the reasoning, anymore than the “we can’t imprison this rapist, it would harm his future prospects” sort of thing. FUBAR.


Exactly. Mother kills children: she’s a monster. She deserves the death penalty.
Family annihilators, who are nearly all men: he must be so troubled! Under so much stress/depression/etc.


Exactly. He does’t pose a threat to the community, he only poses a threat to his property.

@Kii: Failed family annihilator is exactly what this asshole is. It’ll take 20 years for the “justice” system to begin to recognize these murderers for what they are.



It made me sick when I read his wife was standing by him and didn’t want him prosecuted. He won’t stay a failed family annihilator if he’s permitted near his family.
I still feel sick. Those poor kids.

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[…] and Silicon Valley types learned ovaries may hold the key to long life.

Uh-oh. I’d say that eight of ten ideas the techbros are bound to come up with will be the Torture Nexus all over again. But then I’m prone to be overly optimistic.


At 34, Swift remains unmarried and childless, a fact that some might argue is irrelevant to her status as a role model. But, I suggest, it’s crucial to consider what kind of example this sets for young girls. A role model, by definition, is someone worthy of imitation. While Swift’s musical talent and business acumen are certainly admirable, even laudable, we must ask if her personal life choices are ones we want our sisters and daughters to emulate. This might sound like pearl-clutching preaching, but it’s a concern rooted in sound reasoning.


Only because it is.


Would any loving parent reading this want their daughter to date 12 different men in the span of just a few years?

Would you rather they settle down with someone they hate just because you don’t like how many they’re going out with?


And because it’s Newsweek. :person_shrugging:



Lindsey Graham remains unmarried and childless at twice that age and you never hear the pearl-clutching conservatives bring that up.


Sure; but no one wants him to reproduce.


So, she should get in the kitchen and make a sandwich?

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I’m thinking that the author is just jealous.

Also, he doesn’t have a clue what the “patriarchy” means… it’s not just “strong, influential men” but a structure that keeps women out of power…


As long as my femme kid was being safe about it, not staying with jerks or taking risks with safety, why not? They could date someone new every month if that’s what they want. Taylor is very attractive and seems like a genuinely kind and interesting person. The fact she doesn’t have to settle for mediocre men is a good thing. Because that’s what this is about- not the number of men she has dated but the fact she has the most power in all those relationships.

Condescending fucker.


Well, that plus the fact that she’s a,popular voice for women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, and all that, so conservatives need to find some excuse to condemn her.

She already wrote a song about this, Ghlionn. People like you say she goes on too many dates, and can’t make them stay…but then haters are going to hate, and so she shakes it off, she shakes it off.