A woman who sold fake COVID-19 immunization cards gets three years in Federal prison

I didn’t intend to suggest that it was remotely plausible in an absolute sense; just relative to the nearly incomprehensible fever dream of mythic history and imaginary law that you usually get from team sovereign citizen. It’s well below the nonsense threshold, given that getting charged for doing crime in the US happens regardless of one’s citizenship(so even if her claims are impeccably backed they just aren’t relevant); but it’s well above the sort of truly eyebrow-raising stuff were the banking cabal is imposing admiralty law on legal fictions to try to conceal the role of the constitutional sheriff as only legitimate state authority because the magna carta.


I mean, it would be more plausible if she were legit, but the fact that she is exploiting her Native American heritage (if that part is even true) kind of makes it even worse than the sovereign citizens. This kind of thing damages legitimate legal claims from Native Americans.


Her practice is on YELP.


Immune to the law? She’s not even immune to COVID-19!

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