Originally published at: Man beat up nurse for giving his wife a COVID-19 vaccine | Boing Boing
I do hope they catch this asshole, before he punches someone else for whatever reason his reptile brain comes up with.
Not only an anti-vaxxer Covidiot and a violent thug but also one of those charmers who thinks that a man’s wife is part of his chattel. I hope they catch him and lock him away from society for years.
The terrorists have won.
you also have to feel for this guy’s poor wife, who could be quite familiar with his reactions when he is crossed. i hope they can track him down and lock him up asap. he’s an animal.
This crap is never a one-off.
Lets add effective slavery to the charge sheet.
This is NOT a consensual relationship at this point.
Waiting for some of our local Canadian morons to defend his actions. An embarrassment to all of us.*
*Us=Men, Canadians, humans. All of us.
Came to say the same thing. I’m sure the police have been to this fellow’s house before.
How dare she do something without first asking his permission. Not only is this jerk a complete asshole, he’s got time dyslexia: he “thinks” it’s the 12th century.
You’ll be waiting a while, I hope: this Canadian is never going to condone any of the sins perpetrated here. Anger at the pharmacy? Condemn it. Assaulting someone? Condemn it. Thinking of wife as property? Condemn it. Being anti-vaccination? Condemn it.
If anyone deserves a Michael Fay-style federally-sanctioned ass-whuppin’, it’s this complete troglodyte.
For real, that was the most shocking thing to me. I hear about asshole anti-vaxers all the time, but it’s stunning to me that there are still people today who think they own their spouse, it’s just disgusting.
Yeah, tbh, she was probably safer without the vaccine.
/s, I guess?
how, in 2021, is there no video of this? there’s no in-store cameras at the pharmacy, of all places??
This Canadian is only deeply saddened and embarrassed that this stuff happens here too.
I understand, but as Canadians and fellow immigrants, shouldn’t we be more accepting of the gentleman’s cultures and traditions?
Canada, which I think of as being less violent, on average, than the US. Canada vs United States Crime Stats Compared
Say what now? Who said anything about this guy’s culture? Is there information I don’t have? Or are you making a pretty big assumption right there?
kizontije was making a joke about Canadian culture being too sensitive about offending.