I found a blog which is dedicated to cataloguing Crypto scams, stupidity, and general bullshittery. I’ve been scrolling for like an hour and I’m having a great time. Someone stole $80 million from a crypto exchange literally yesterday. https://web3isgoinggreat.com
LOLZ It’s been en-privatized.
IMO the production is actually ok but the rhythm of the words is supposed to sync up with the rhythm of the music at some point. The writing is so damned bad though.
“Hi. I’m Mister44. Welcome to Jackass.” (watches the whole video)
It says “This video is private” now
It says “This video is private” now
I can still get there with this link. For now anyway.
And if you liked that, you might like her work as “Heather Morgan”. She’s got a lot to say about highly scalable targeted email.
Actually, I think I find the second video sadder than the first.
The video is private. Her Soundcloud is still up, so I think I got the gist. She’s like a darkest timeline Simone Giertz.
I can’t believe I managed to last 22 seconds. Now I need q-tips that’ll reach my brain.
The best outcome for us that are late to the party, I’m sure.
for once, i did not click. sounds like i made the right decision.
Dear God, I listened to as much of her “rap” as I could.
Like when MIT engineers created “Blacker than Vantablack;” until now I would have thought “Whiter than Pat Boone” was impossible.
looks like they use the same definition set i do.
I had a Corona test yesterday. One of the good ones where the guy was really trying. I’m not sure it’s any cleaner, but my brain sure feels prodded. Maybe you could try that?
I thought I could make it through the whole thing, but after a minute and 54 seconds I just couldn’t anymore!
I found it by googling the title. Watched the whole thing. It doesn’t get any better. ETA: I mean that literally: it does not…improve. At all.
It seems like I need the q-tip to go way into my ears, not up my snoot.
Hope you failed your test! [that is, it’s negative]
Oh, CNN showed a wee bit, and my bassist BF LHAO. Horrifying.
Interesting news on CNN this morn, what with the so-called “rapper” and its husband’s getting busted, and that thieving nun’s getting her meagre sentence. Blew his mind.