Actually, Solo is good

Speaking for myself only, I certainly didn’t hate TLJ, but it just left me cold. The movie’s structural problems would probably be forgivable if the rest of it were fun, but it just seemed like a smaller, shabbier version of the sequels with no sense of grand stakes or investment in smaller moments.

The side-plot to the casino planet served no purpose whatsoever, the introduction of del Toro’s character and immediate betrayal had no emotional payoff, characters’ motivations were unclear and/or just stupid, and I got a sense of resentment of the legacy of the sequels from Johnson that seems more pronounced the more time passes. Killing Admiral Ackbar offscreen in a throwaway line about sums it up for me–why do that unless you’re more interested in subverting expectations than you are in making a satisfying film?

Of course, the fact that lots of people disagree with me demonstrates this is subjective and I’m not pretending I have the only Correct Opinion on the matter.

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I sure do wish that my dog could take care of his own dingleberry problems.

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Yeah, it was totally …ok… and that’s my problem with it. I think Ron Howard is a boring director. He’s completely competent at delivering exactly what you expect. I was disappointed that I didn’t laugh at any of the jokes and I didn’t cheer at any of the action. I think the best thing was Han shooting first. I will watch it again when I can stream it and the kids and I will have a good time, but I would have been happy if they had never made it.

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Oy, that’s not just an overstatement.

It is needlessly inappropriate dramatic statement.

That’s how evil I am, but no more evil. :wink:

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Maybe the “death” of Ackbar was handed down by the studio to set up a future film; “Its A Trap!: A Star Wars Story”. That way the future film would be able to have some dramatic tension; does he actually die?

Or you know, in a war (even one in the stars) important people can become casualties real quick and without any honor or sacrifice. Plus, the voice actor who did Ackbar died recently so recasting just to have him die on screen would have been jarring.

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I wouldn’t be happy if a movie that a lot of people clearly love had not been made, but then again, my friends and I laughed and cheered a lot (as did the audience), so it sounds like this simply wasn’t a film for you. I truly can’t imagine watching Solo and finding it boring, myself.

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Well, yes. But it’s not meant as realistic war movie and people – human or Mon Calamari – like that important shouldn’t die off-camera even in a realistic one.

It’s not like Ackbar was ever that huge/important of a character. He is only known from a single line from one movie. (yes I know he was in TFA briefly and that his character had a decent arc in Clone Wars)

And since the attack that killed him was the same where Leia almost died, what from that scene would you have taken away to show Ackbar being blown to bits? He is literally in that same room as Leia was so technically his death was on screen.

I think the hardcore Ackbar fans were hoping for a convenient absence from the bridge followed by a glorious death later in the film, as seen here:

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Is there a time frame to jump to on that video? I really loathe that channels whole concept so I really dont want to waste 7 mins of my time.

But really again I say…Ackbar (while a fun character) isn’t who the story has ever been about. And my name is Akbar so you’d think I would be all over that.

Go to 3:12

(And yes, I’m perfectly fine with how Ackbar died a sudden and rather pointless death in TFA. That’s war.)

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Yah, no thanks. That was stupid as shit just to throw in his line again.

Holdo was great and a nice addition. Again, the voice actor who was Ackbar died so they would have had to recast for that whole thing to happen. Plus, Ackbar would have never felt the need to hide the plan from Poe so that really wouldn’t have worked out story wise (but that is a whole different discussion)

The fandom can’t repel Memes of that magnitude!

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It sounds like you were taking it as a serious suggestion? I’m pretty sure that the HISHA guys did that as parody, mocking the version of the movie that fanboys would have written had they been allowed to. And thank goodness that fanboys don’t typically get to write these movies.

I sit corrected. Two lines :wink:

I was because like I said, I loathe that channel for multiple reasons primarily because assholes seem to see the HISHE guys as saints and feel their jokes work better than the filmmakers original intention. (same for cinema sins and honest trailers)

Solo may be the first Star Wars film to lose money in its domestic release

My point is that handling a death of a beloved (if minor) character like that shows a contempt for what people love about Star Wars that I think came through in some degree in the rest of the movie.

So would they have just rather have him not be mentioned at all?

-Where is the Wedge faction complaining Rogue Squadron wasn’t around?

-What about Gonk?

-What about (insert random character here)?

Assigning so much weight to a single character and using that for an excuse to hate the entire franchise is mighty odd. TLJ did more to restore the faith in the epic Star Wars story than anything else has to date. RJ did an amazing job cleaning up JJs colossal mess from TFA and still managed to get us a great film. Luke’s own words about hubris and letting the past die should be taken more to heart by these so called fans clinging to their pitchforks that Ackbar did not get to die like Rambo holding off a platoon of stormtroopers with nothing but a good blaster at his side.

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